Parent Bulletin Friday 30 September
Parent Bulletin Friday 30 September 2022
Hello, and welcome to this week's edition of the Wildern Weekly. My name is Mr Knight and I am one of the Assistant Headteachers here at Wildern School.
I am a part of the Communication Studies team, teaching ICT which links closely with my main role, managing the schools IT systems. If it is electronic there is a good chance that I am involved at some point here and I would be your contact if you have any questions on: Chromebooks, INSIGHT, Virtual Parents Evenings, Website, School Social Media Accounts, Google Education, eSafety, emails, SMS etc.
Associated with this I am the Wildern Academy Trust’s Data Protection Officer so it is my job to ensure once we have your data in school it is managed correctly for both you and your child and that they also understand how to keep this information secure.
Throughout the year you will receive either directly from me or via the Wildern Weekly the latest updates and materials we have to support you and your family in the ever growing world of eSafety. Our eSafety guides and latest information can be found here. If you have any questions about any Apps that your child might be using or wanting to download please contact me via the school website and I would be happy to help you. Also if you have any concerns over accounts or behaviours online please contact us as soon as possible or report this directly to CEOP.
I am also responsible for transport and cycling to and from school and I am passionate about trying to make the roads and the behaviour of our students on them as safe as possible. Bike Drs and Bikeability Levels 1-3 are run here so please look out for this information. All students that cycle to school need to complete this cycle permit form for me please.
Over Easter and May half term I run the annual Year 11 Holiday Revision programmes to support students on their run up to the summer GCSE exams. These sessions usually run during the first four days of each holiday to give Year 11 time to rest at the end of the week. I also have the pleasure of coordinating our annual school Awards Evening at the Kings Community Church where we celebrate the vast amounts of talent we have in each faculty here at Wildern. This is always a really enjoyable evening if usually a little hot in July!
Finally but probably most important to me, I am Head of Alba house, the current House Champions!
September is always a good time to remind parents, new and established, to make sure we are kept up to date about any medical or health conditions your child has for the safety of your child as well as all other children.
If you haven't been in touch with a recent update please phone us on 01489 779445 (direct dial number) or email us
The week commencing the 4th October is World Space Week 2022. It is an international celebration of science and technology, and commemorates two events:
4th October 1957: Launch of the first human-made Earth satellite, Sputnik 1, opening the way for space exploration
10th October 1967: The signing of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.
This year's theme is Sustainability, looking at how humanity uses space, most pressingly, the orbital area surrounding Earth- itself a finite resource.
To celebrate, the Science department is launching the Aurora Project with 80 Year 8 students in collaboration with the Astrophysics department at the University of Southampton. This fantastic opportunity will allow students to develop their understanding of the Earth’s position in the solar system and our galaxy and understand how the aurora is produced and why research into the aurora and space weather is important. This project will run throughout the Autumn term with a series of workshops and a fantastic opportunity to experience the mobile planetarium.
On Thursday 29 September we hosted the Faraday competition, an engineering competition, where 36 year 8 students worked in groups to tackle a world problem. They developed their ideas from concept to prototype and presented their project. They are assessed on their ideas, teamwork and leadership. Out of the six teams, team 2 with Jed B, Sam G, Oliver W, Sam O, Sam W and James T won the day and their score will be entered into the national competition.
Parent how to top tips - using the INSIGHT App to support your child
Sexting and Online grooming - how to safeguard your child
We have been advised by the Police that there has been an increase in sexting and teenagers being groomed online. There are also a number of Apps that can be installed to hide this sort of interaction. Please see the information below and report any instances of this.
What Parents Need to Know About Sexting
Sexting involved sending, receiving or forwarding explicit messages, images, or video of a sexual nature. Although mobile phones are the most common vehicle for sexting, the term can also apply to sending sexually explicit messages through any digital media such as email, instant messaging, and/or social media sites. They can be set to or from a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, or someone your child has met online. Sexting is often described as the new flirting for children, but it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18. Some of the main platforms it occurs on are Snapchat, Tinder, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram and Kik.
What Parents Need to Know about Online Grooming
Online Grooming is when someone befriends and builds an emotional relationship with a child and communicates with them through the internet with the intent to commit a sexual offence. This type of victimisation can take place across any platform; from social media and messaging apps to online gaming and live streaming. Often it involves young people being tricked, forced or pressured into doing something they wouldn’t normally do (coercion) and often the groomer’s goal is to meet the victim in a controlled setting to sexually or physically abuse them. In some cases children may be abducted or have long-lasting psychological damage.
Hampshire County Council are asking students to make an active travel pledge and show how they are Stepping Up for Walktober by recording their active travel choices using the Walktober Challenge Card. There are lots of actions they could include - walking/wheeling to school, scooting to the park, cycling to a local shop, using Park and Stride, taking a bus instead of the car on a day trip - these choices make a big difference!
Parents/Carers can submit their child's completed Challenge Card to be entered into a prize draw. At the end of Walktober a competition entry link will be available here until Friday 11th November 2022. There are some fantastic prizes available including for secondary age pupils, you'll be able to choose your own prize using a Love2Shop voucher worth up to £30.
Click here for more information.
All Years Notification of Detentions: If your child has received an after school detention, then you will be notified by email or text. Should you receive notification of a detention, please communicate this with your child so they are aware of the date and also so that alternative arrangements can be made for picking up siblings or after school activities.
Year 7 - Meet the tutor evening (in person)
All Years
Parent Handbooks - These are all available on the website here Virtual WINKS - are also available here on the website Student services - are open 8:45am to 3:30pm. Best times for students to drop in are 11:10-11:25am, 1:30-1:55pm and 3:00-3:15pm
Year 7
WINK - Supporting your child at Secondary School - If you missed this last week please make time to sit and watch this virtual WINK. We would be interested in your feedback through our evaluation form here. Healthy Mind, Healthy Me Workshops - places available for Saturday 8 October Music workshops: all children in year 7 will participate in three workshops with renowned professional musicians. These will complement their music curriculum and we are asking parents to very kindly contribute towards the costs of these workshops. This is a single payment of £10 that will cover all three workshops with the rest of the cost being met by the school. Thank you to all those who have already contributed and if you are still to contribute, you can do so on parent pay. Year 7 Meet the tutor evening: Please book your appointment for this via the INSIGHT Parent App
Year 8
Healthy Mind, Healthy Me Workshops - places available for Saturday 8 October Winchester Science trip (6 October) - all students involved should meet outside the swimming pool at 9am Music workshops: all children in year 8 will participate in three workshops with renowned professional musicians. These will complement their music curriculum and we are asking parents to very kindly contribute towards the costs of these workshops. This is a single payment of £10 that will cover all three workshops with the rest of the cost being met by the school. Thank you to all those who have already contributed and if you are still to contribute, you can do so on parent pay.
Year 9
Natalie Gray’s performance to all year 9 students (postponed from 19th September) has now been rescheduled to 3rd November. Thank you to everyone who has contributed £2 to help us put on this enriching experience which will be themed around mental health. This is once again open on parent pay and we would really appreciate as many contributions towards this as possible.
Year 10
Dance students: Peaky Blinders, The Royal Ballet at the Mayflower on 7th February 2023. Please collect a trip letter from Mrs Gates. Students will need to be 15 years old by 7th February to attend College open evenings have begun so it may be worth visiting some to support your child with starting to think about what and where they may like to study post 16. There will be further open evenings in the summer term if you cannot attend in the coming weeks.
Year 11
Dance students: Peaky Blinders, The Royal Ballet at the Mayflower on 7th February 2023. Please collect a trip letter from Mrs Gates. Students will need to be 15 years old by 7th February to attend College open evenings have begun, please do visit all colleges your child is interested in applying to and check application deadlines as these vary from college to college. ESP timetable for this half term ESPs this week: Monday - History / Geography Tuesday - Spanish / German Thursday - Drama
* correct at time of sending, but may be subject to change
Follow the PE department on twitter for up to date sporting fixture results
* all fixtures correct at time of sending, but may be subject to change
Many different clubs, focus groups and activities are available for students outside of their lessons. More details can be found on our website. Students are expected to communicate with parents/carers when attending an extra curricular club to inform them that they are staying in school. On occasion, we may have to cancel a club at late notice due to staffing.
The library is always available to students after school as well. If students have a prearranged lift for after a club that is then cancelled, they can wait in the Library after school for their lift which may be preferable to rearranging plans.
Yr 7 Rugby and Football are both on this week with Football on Monday and Rugby on Friday. Football numbers were fantastic the first week but with interruptions it hasn’t been possible to have the club on!Hoping to see more faces this week.
Yr 7 Rugby needs you! With a small number so far sessions have been progressing brilliantly but we need more to come along in order to get some games booked in!! Friday after school on the Field.
Yr 7/8 STEM club - On Monday 3rd October we will be starting a new project doing pumpkin carving- New room in 510. Every Monday (3-4pm)
Garden club: Are you a keen gardener? Do you want to help care for the well-being garden and school site? Come along to Garden club every Monday (3-4pm) in 304.
Survival club: Develop your survival skills including fire building, bivvy/den construction and knots at Survival club on a Wednesday (3-4pm) in 910.
Marwell Zoo Winter Art Competition
10 Tips for Parents and Carers: How to Be Green with your Tech
Right now, humans aren’t living sustainably: we’re taking too many resources and not leaving the world in a fit state for future generations. Old tech products are a clear example: if we throw them away, the poisonous lead and mercury inside can get into the food chain through the soil. Recycling tech, though, has its own issues: it’s often exported to countries where the law doesn’t protect people from hazards. Whole villages (including children) sort through discarded devices to remove useful parts and substances like gold, silver and copper – often putting their health at risk. Finding ways to re-use tech is the greenest option.
In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of tips such as donating your old devices to charity, reusing your smartphones and recycling the batteries.
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts