As previously mentioned it may be that these are awarded for engagement in the non-examined elements of our curriculum. These are just as important. ’YELLOW’ engagement in, for example, our Education for Life programme will result in a greater understanding of the wider world, the challenges our young people face on a day to day basis and how they can navigate through them.
For our exam based subjects, if students are awarded a Turquoise or Blue, teachers are required to indicate the particular Behaviour for Learning that student needs to work on as a priority. The Behaviour for Learning statements below are hierarchical which means if students are showing all the ones at the beginning of the alphabet they then just need to focus on some subject area ‘tweaks’ to help them reach their targets. As a result lots of students will receive a ‘TURQUOISE’ because there are often small adjustments that can still be made.
Some of the statements at the beginning of the alphabet should cause more concern and really need to be discussed at home as these are the fundamentals of appropriate behaviour and effective learning. Staff will sometimes award a ‘YELLOW’ but give an h,i or j code because a student is working extremely hard on that aspect of their learning already and that just needs to continue.
Here are our Behaviour for Learning Statements from September 2022:
Successful Wildern Students will be demonstrating the following behaviours for learning:
a) Being respectful to teachers and other learners in the classroom at all times
b1) Being punctual to lessons to maximise learning
b2) Attending all lessons to maximise learning
c) Being always appropriately equipped and ready to learn
d) Being fully engaged in lessons, listening carefully and following instructions
e) Completing all class work or Non-Examined Assessment (NEA) to a required standard
f) Completing all self-study on time and to a required standard
g) Working independently and actively seeking out appropriate opportunities to maximise your potential
h) Understanding and acting on feedback
i) Preparing appropriately for assessments or Non-Examined Assessments (NEA)
j) Using appropriate subject specific vocabulary and skills
Any queries about WAD Reports should be directed to your child’s subject teachers or tutor in the first instance. Parents evenings are a vital way to have these discussions but please do get in contact if you have any questions.