Parent Bulletin Friday 4 November
Parent Bulletin Friday 4 November 2022
Hello! Welcome to this week’s edition of the Wildern Weekly. My name is Mrs Warner and I am one of the Assistant Head Teachers here, at Wildern School.
My main responsibilities are: working with our Y11 students alongside Mr Milburn and Mr Wood to support interventions and progress, oversight of our Pupil Premium provision, residential trips and I am one of the school timetablers. I also work closely with our fantastic MFL and Communication Studies departments.
As a History teacher, I am fascinated by what the past can teach us about modern society. We can learn so much from studying the intricacies of people from all different backgrounds and the consequences of their interactions with each other.
History helps us to see that we can all make a difference to each other and that ultimately strong communities will see each other through good times and bad. For me, being part of a school community that is built on a partnership of mutual trust, kindness and respect is one of the most important elements of supporting our children on their journey to adulthood. It’s the reason why I became a teacher as shaping lives is crucial to the human story. I look forward to continuing to work with our community of students, parents and staff as we face new challenges and adventures. If ever I can be of help, then please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Parent voice - have your say!
We are seeking parent feedback about how the two 'meeting me' days ran at the start of this term, how beneficial you felt they were and whether we should offer these again in future years. So far we have only heard from 50 parents (out of nearly 2000) - please have your say by completing this short survey.
Dates for your diary
Communications, Reminders
Keeping safe ( wellbeing drop-ins and vaping )
Spotlight ( Education for Life topics this half term )
Hot food menu, Sports fixtures and results
Extra-Curricular, E-Safety
Dates for your diary, Communications, Reminders
Keeping safe ( wellbeing drop-ins and vaping ), Spotlight ( Education for Life topics this half term )
Hot food menu, Sports fixtures and results, Extra-Curricular, E-Safety
Odd sock day - Monday 14 November
Odd Sock day is coming…wear your Odd socks on Monday 14th November and support Rufus to celebrate the beginning of Anti-bullying week.
More information on how we will be supporting ad raising awareness of Anti-bullying week to follow in next week's Wildern Weekly.
All Years WINK: Love languages (in person, 10 November) Hosts for German Exchange visit United Against Bullying Dance: Tickets for the Christmas celebration of dance are on sale and can be purchased via here Music: Christmas concert (5th December in the Berry Theatre) tickets are now on sale here An Evening of Musical Theatre: For those who have children performing in this event at Thornden Hall on 17th November, tickets are on sale here
Year 7 English trip to the Globe - The Tempest (March ‘23) Don’t forget to buy your ticket before they sell out! Music: All year 7s are preparing two songs to sing in the Christmas Concert 5th December. Please can you give permission for your child to perform via parent pay. To attend the concert, please see above. Music: Don’t forget to sign your child up to perform in the Gospel Workshops concert on the 15th November via parent pay. The concert will be in the Hall 3.30-4.30pm. If you wish to attend you can book tickets online at here
Year 8 Music: Don’t forget to sign your child up to perform in the Gospel Workshops concert on the 14th November via parent pay. The concert will be in the Hall 3.30-4.30pm. If you wish to attend you can book tickets online at here Geography: Ordnance Survey Trip - students on this trip (who have received letters) need to meet by the minibuses on Wednesday 7th November at 11:30am. You must bring a pack lunch with you and coat as you may be walking around the site. We will be returning 3:30/3:45pm to Wildern.
Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh: We have had lots of responses from students and inquiries about information for completing the award. We are finalising travel and camping costs and will be writing to parents to confirm these arrangements shortly. We are hopeful that information for this will be out in next week's Parent Bulletin. Many thanks for your patience and interest, we look forward to your students joining us on DofE this year.
Year 10 Science: Year 10 booster sessions in AM registration will begin Monday 7th November. Letters have been sent to those invited. Marwell trip: Year 10 students involved in the Marwell Zoo science trip on Friday 11th November, need to go to the area outside the swimming pool at 9am, they will return to school at 3pm. Duke of Edinburgh: We have had lots of responses from students and inquiries about information for completing the award. We are finalising travel and camping costs and will be writing to parents to confirm these arrangements shortly. We are hopeful that information for this will be out in next week's Parent Bulletin. Many thanks for your patience and interest, we look forward to your students joining us on DofE this year.
Year 11 Practice Exams info letter, Timetable and Study room info How to support your child with revision ESPs will not be taking place during the exam period and will restart on Monday 14 November English: English Language and English Literature revision guides are now available to purchase. These have been produced specifically by the English Department and follow our structures and techniques for the exam. These will cost £1.50 each and can be secured via an order form from finance.
Wellbeing ‘drop-in’ - This will start on Tuesday 8th November. Thank you to the students who made this suggestion via #MyWildern. We think this is a great idea and hope that giving all students an opportunity to ‘drop-in’ will offer support to many.
Wellbeing interventions this half term: please see the poster below for details.
Student Services are always open between 8:45am and 3:30pm. The best times to drop in are:
- 11:10-11:25am - Break
- 1:30-1:55pm - Lunch
- 3:00-3:15pm - After School
Youth vaping is on the rise worldwide. At Wildern we aim to provide all members of the school community with the information required to make informed decisions. Unfortunately, online promotion on social media sites like TikTok is fuelling its use. We would encourage you to talk to your child about vaping.
What is vaping?
Vaping refers to the use of an electronic device that heats a liquid turning it into an aerosol (vapour) which the user inhales. Vapes are available with or without nicotine. It is potentially less harmful than smoking but only for existing smokers who want to quit. How the drug works varies from person to person. Vaping is not for children - It is illegal to sell or give a vape to a minor under 18. Wildern School is a smoke free site for all members of the community. If your child is caught with any smoking product, it will be confiscated and you will be contacted.
How to discuss vaping with your child
Find the right moment - Take advantage of situations where you can talk about vaping. For example when you see someone vaping, get information from school about vaping, see advertisements, hear or read a media item on vaping or walk past a vape shop
Have Conversations - Ask them what they know, what they think and how they feel. Ask open ended questions. This will help them to express themselves and helps you to know how to help them. Talk about different factors that might entice teens to try it, for example wanting to fit in, curiosity and stress.
Talk through, and practise together, effective ways to respond if they ever feel pressured to try vaping. If your teen is vaping then try to understand why by asking questions like ‘what do you enjoy about vaping?’ Or ‘How does vaping make you feel?’ Understanding this may help you to understand other ways that those needs can be met.
Education for Life update
This half term we are focussing on our second theme of Relationships. The programme consists of Education for life lessons, tutor sessions and assemblies which will be underpinned by our Rights Respecting Ethos.
All Year groups
This half term, students will be looking at a variety of whole school and national events that link into the theme of Relationships.
- Remembrance Day - During the week of 11th November, students will learn about the day and what it represents
- Anti-Bullying week - During the week of 14th November, students will partake in a survey amongst other activities, including Odd Sock Day
- Christmas Cards for Care homes - Closer to Christmas, students will be able to create cards that will be sent to the local care homes.
Please see below for a brief outline of what each year group will be studying in their Education for Life lessons and Tutor sessions this half term:
Year 7: Diversity, Prejudice & Discrimination & Bullying
In this unit, Students will explore the benefits of living in a diverse society and the importance of celebrating differences. Students will study prejudice and discrimination by studying different types of prejudices that people hold. We will investigate the consequences of prejudice and discrimination by exploring hate crimes in the UK. Finally, students will look into the issue of bullying and encourage a collective responsibility to ensure this does not take place within our local community and beyond.
Year 8: Prejudice & Discrimination
In this unit, students will explore what it means to be part of a fair and equal society. Students will study prejudice and discrimination in relation to gender, sexuality and race. The aim of the unit is to ensure students have an understanding of their own rights as well as encouraging them to become active global citizens who will promote fairness, equality and cohesion in society.
Year 9: Respectful Relationships
In this unit students will be exploring the concepts of marriage and divorce. Students will begin thinking about what they look for in a partner, religious views on marriage, different types of marriage ceremonies, same sex marriage, forced marriage, relationship break-down and divorce. Students will explore these concepts from different religious perspectives and have the opportunity to form their own views and opinions.
Year 10: Intimate Relationships
This unit is aimed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need in order to make healthy and safe choices regarding sex and relationships. Students will explore the portrayal of sex and relationships in the media as well as issues relating to body image, sexting and pornography. They will study the meaning of consent in detail including the right to withdraw consent, the law and how to avoid assumptions relating to consent. They will also gain knowledge and understanding of different types of contraception along with any positives and negatives of each. Finally, they will explore STIs, how to protect themselves and how to get tested, as well as a more in depth study on HIV.
Year 11: Communication in relationships
This unit builds upon students prior learning in Relationships and focuses on effective and positive communication. Students will be exploring how to foster positive and healthy relationships by examining how to handle unwanted attention, unhealthy and exploitative relationships and support available for this.
* correct at time of sending, but may be subject to change
* all fixtures correct at time of sending, but may be subject to change
Extra-Curricular activities
Please see our updated clubs for the second half of the Autumn term. Focus groups have now launched as well. More details can be found on our website using the button below. The library is always available to students after school as well.
STEM Club: Monday 7th November (3-4pm)- students will have the opportunity to see rocks from the moon and meteorites (courtesy of NASA) and investigate their properties.
Survival Club: Wednesday 9th November (3-4pm)
Gardening Club: Monday 7th November (3-4pm)
What Parents Need to Know about Overwatch 2
A long-awaited sequel to 2016’s massively successful Overwatch, this is a futuristic shooting game with a focus on teamwork and strategy which gives it an extra dimension to the majority of titles in the genre. Its cast of characters is diverse and memorable, while there’s a definite (and rewarding) learning curve to players improving their skill. Created by established developers Blizzard Entertainment, Overwatch 2 is free to play, with an emphasis on competitive multiplayer action – meaning that children may want to play the game even more simply because their friends have it.
In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as violent gameplay, in-game purchases and voice chat.
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts