All Years
Uniform: Please can all parents ensure that students are wearing coats and school jumpers into school please. It is incredibly wet out at the moment and the rain looks set to stay.
Socks: there is a slight trend at the moment where bright fluffy socks are being worn over tights, please could you ensure that your children are wearing the correct uniform to school.
Piercings: It would seem that a number of students have had nose piercings for Christmas. These are not allowed in school unless arranged with the Director of Progress and Achievement, if your child has a piercing other than in the ears, it should be removed for school.
Year 7
Trip: Natural History Museum & London Eye - Deadline Wednesday 11 January
Years 8 & 9
There are no reminders for Year 8 and 9
Year 10
Parents' evening information
Year 10 Practice exams information
Year 10 Practice exam timetable
Art and Photography practice exams: 6 & 7 February 2023
Animal Care students: please make sure that the Parent Pay consent is completed by Tuesday 10 January
Year 11
ESP timetable - Spring 1
Monday 9 January : Drama
Tuesday 10 January : RE or Media
Wednesday 11 January : Music or French
ICT Exam: Monday 9th January. This is worth 33% of the final grade for ICT. All students have been given a copy of the Wildern revision guide and have other revision resources available on Google Classroom
Science Past Papers - Please can you make sure that you have paid £6 for the past papers which are being used as self study, as this exam practice is invaluable as part of revision.
Art and Photography GCSE exam papers were handed to students this week on Tuesday - these were also shared via Google classroom - Students have the spring term to prepare prior to the 10 hour art or photography exam that will take place in May - this is worth 40% of students final GCSE grade.
English: A reminder that Year 11 revision guides for Language and Literature are still available to purchase for £1.50 each. These contain the Wildern-specific approaches and guidance to consolidate what your son/daughter has been learning in class, as well as a variety of past papers for revision. These can be purchased by collecting a form from finance.