All Years
WINK: E-safety video and 3 question evaluation
Year 7
Whole year photo: Please be advised if you have NOT yet placed your School Photograph order, the order closing date is Tuesday 7 February. Please visit using the passwords on the Proofcard.
Science: Did you know that you share 60% of your DNA with a strawberry? Don’t believe us? Students are invited to room 303 at 3pm on Monday 6 February to find out more.
Year 8
Pathways information letter
Careers: On Wednesday 8 February, Year 8 students will be undertaking a session of ‘Speed Networking’ to meet and talk to a range of volunteers from the local area who are coming into the school to answer questions about their job and how they got into their chosen industry. Students will have a time limit, working in small groups, to find out as much as they can about each volunteer's career before they move on to the next one. This will take place during students' lesson time and the event is planned to support the forthcoming pathways choices.
Art club: Due to a clash with the Year 10 Art and Photography exam, there will be no art club on 7 February.
Year 9
Breakfast: As you know, breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day because it helps power us through the rest of our working day and allows us to feed our brains and body so that we can concentrate far better and feel more alert. We have noticed that a number of our young people are not making sensible breakfast choices or eating anything in fact before the school day begins. Please can we have your support in ensuring your child has some toast, cereal, fruit or a healthy alternative each morning in order to set them up for a positive day.
English: A reminder of some of the extra-curricular options open to students in English. There is a new KS4 book club that meet every Tuesday after school in the D@rt - join to read as a group and discuss enjoyable fiction texts. Also on Tuesday after school, in room 909, is Spilling Ink - our creative writing club. Students from Year 9 are especially welcome as they begin their KS4 journey - creative writing being a key component of the GCSE English Language exam.
Art club: Due to a clash with the Year 10 Art and Photography exam, there will be no art club on 7 February.
Year 10
Art or Photography exams: These will be a 5 hour exam on EITHER 6 OR 7 February - please check details on Google Classroom. Students register at their exam room not with their tutors.
English: Box Clever’s presentation of Macbeth - Tickets are still available to see this fantastic production and workshop. If you are interested, please pay the £5 entrance fee through Parent Pay.
Year 11
Leavers hoodie letter and order form
Yearbook letter
Whole year photo: Please be advised if you have NOT yet placed your School Photograph order, the order closing date is Tuesday 7 February. Please visit using the passwords on the Proofcard.
ESP timetable - Spring 1
Monday 6 February: History or Geography
Tuesday 7 February: ICT
Wednesday 8 February: Science (MN) or English (PQ)
Science: MN Population ESP on Wednesday 8 February. Invitations will be going out this week if your child is expected to attend. For all other Year 11 students, there is a drop in with the Science team every Monday and Tuesday in room 317.
English: PQ Population ESP on Wednesday 8 February. Invitations will be going out this week if your child is expected to attend. For all other Year 11 students, there is a drop in with the English team every Monday after school in Room 913.
English Language and Literature revision guides remain available for £1.50 each. Please ask your child to collect a form from finance to purchase these.
Careers: Fareham College are inviting students to visit their Careers Advisors for application support or to progress their application if they have not already had their telephone interview. Students can drop in to the Careers Centre at our Bishopsfield Road Campus on 15th and 16th February between 9am – 4pm.