Parent Bulletin Friday 10 March
Parent Bulletin Friday 10 March 2023
From left to right: Mrs Poynter, Mrs Quick, Miss Stride, Mrs Goodman, Ms Mohanlal
Hello, and welcome to this edition of the Wildern Weely form the Core Progress Assistants (CPAs). As a team, we work together to support students' learning in English, Maths and Science.
Mrs Poynter, English CPA: I have worked at Wildern for fifteen years. I am passionate about helping students and bridging gaps in their knowledge through a variety of interventions, clubs and study sessions. I relish building relationships with students and developing an “I can do it” attitude to their learning. This is now my second year running the Year 7 Reading Ambassadors which I thoroughly enjoy; I am eager to embed reading frequency and confidence in all the students attending so they can continue to love reading throughout their lives.
Mrs Quick, English CPA: I have worked at Wildern for five years. I support students across the school, including Functional Skills and the Year 11 Raising Achievement Programme, as well as running a Key Stage 4 Reading group.
Miss Stride, Maths CPA: I have worked at Wildern for 8 and a half years. My role involves providing students with intervention to understand maths topics which could be one to one, in small groups, or drop-in sessions for anyone. I am passionate about maths and helping people so I love my job! My favourite part of it is helping students develop from not understanding something and usually disliking the topic to the lightbulb moment when they get it, can do it independently and enjoy it!
Mrs Goodman, Maths CPA: I have worked at Wildern for nearly 3 years. I feel very lucky as my role allows me to work with many of our amazing students across all year groups at Wildern. This can be through intervention groups or Precision teaching which is a weekly session for our Year 7 and 8 students focusing purely on their times tables. Alongside this I am also involved in running the Maths clinics for students every night after school. I have a real passion for Maths and my aim is to provide our students with confidence and the tools they need to survive whether that is in the classroom or eventually the workplace.
Ms Mohanlal, Science CPA: I really enjoy working with students to promote their curiosity and passion to find out how things work and why. I deliver the Science booster programme and run support clinics for all year groups. Our booster programmes promote investigative skills and collaborative skills, building the link between the content learnt in class and its real world application. It also includes building student's exam technique in preparation for GCSE exams. I am a Biochemist and have worked in the Biotechnology industry for many years and use my valuable experience and knowledge to educate our students about the wonderful world of science that awaits them and to bring out their inner scientist.
Year 7 Science trip to Legoland
Year 8 Year 8 pathways forms will be emailed home today. These need to be completed by Monday 20 March.
Year 9 There are no letters for Year 9
Year 10 There are no letters for Year 10
Year 11 WAD: The final Year 11 WAD has been sent home and is on INSIGHT so students have time to address any issues raised in the Behaviour for Learning codes before their exams. Please discuss this WAD with your child using the video here. This WAD will be sent home again on the final report of the year with tutor comments and messages from the DOPA and Headteacher.
All Years
British Science Week: 13-17 March. During this week students will be experiencing science in all of their subjects. There will also be an Element Hunt on Tuesday 14 March, where you can find as many staff members dressed as elements, to win a prize.
Skoolkit discounts available on embroidered shirts
Year 7 Dance trip: Sleeping Beauty, The Mayflower Theatre, Thursday 16 March Core Study Skills Support: There is self study support available in Maths, English and Science in the Red Dining Hall every Wednesday from 3-4pm. All year 7 students welcome. English Trip to see The Tempest at The Globe Theatre (Friday 17 March)- There will be a briefing for students attending this trip at lunchtime in the Wave on Monday 13 March. Students will be given information such as what to bring and pick up/drop off times. We anticipate returning to school around 7:30pm.
Year 8 HPV Vaccination information and consent form with school code SH136654. The consent form must be completed before 17 March. Dance trip: Sleeping Beauty, The Mayflower Theatre, Thursday 16 March Core Study Skills Support: There is self study support available in Maths, English and Science in the Red Dining Hall every Wednesday from 3-4pm. All year 8 students welcome.
Year 9 & Juliet Trip: Monday 13 March, coach leaves school at 15.45 and will return at approx midnight. Year 9 Work Skills Day has been a great success with all students taking part in workshops designed to highlight the importance of a good career choice whilst encouraging teamwork and collaboration. We had many volunteers from a range of careers coming in to help us; Barristers, Solicitors, Engineers, Police, Navy, NHS and local colleges to name just a few. A selection of students also worked on a special project with TV’s Baasit Siddiqui (Channel 4’s Gogglebox) designing a new TV programme. Thank you to everyone involved!
Year 10
College taster day information Animal Care: Please ensure you have read the letter that has been emailed home regarding the upcoming NEA. Food and Nutrition: Practice NEA2 practicals are coming up week beginning 20 March. Please ensure you have read the letter that has been sent home outlining all details of the task.
Year 11
Year 11 Parents evening - 23 March March Prepare to Perform newsletter
ESP timetable - Spring 2 Monday 13 March: French Tuesday 14 March: Science (MN) / English (PQ)
English: PQ Population ESP on Tuesday 14 March. Invitations have been sent home. Your child will have been specifically invited by their class teacher to attend. If your child has not been invited then they would be welcome at the drop in English clinic in 913.
English: Masterclass on Friday in the WAVE from 3-4pm. The topic will be ‘Change in 1912-1945: the context of ‘An Inspector Calls’. All welcome.
Science: MN Population ESP on Tuesday 14 March. Invitations have been sent home. For any students not invited for small group work, there is a Science clinic in room 317 - all welcome.
Science: PQ population ESP Monday 20 March. Invitations will be sent home in the coming week for students expected to attend. For any students not invited for small group work, there is a Science clinic in room 317 - all welcome.
National Careers Week: 6 - 12 March
National Careers Week has been a really big success this year at Wildern. We have had activities such as Education for Life tutor sessions highlighting the importance of a good career and looking at jobs that students of school age can undertake right now. We have had our very successful Year 9 Work Skills Day with many volunteers coming into the school to run workshops for students highlighting their own careers and emphasising the importance of teamwork and collaboration. Year 10 have excitedly been making their College taster choices for this event that will be running in the summer term (more details on this to follow soon) and Year 11 students who have applied to Peter Symonds for September have undertaken their interviews this week. Well done to everybody who has taken part this week! #NCW2023
On 19 September 1963, the new school on the today’s Wildern school site was officially opened by Lord Ashburton, Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire. He urged the students to do their best as the best jobs went to those with the highest qualifications; that this was a secondary school and comparatively few would go to University but they should not let this daunt them! . The school had over 600 students and 35 staff. The Head Boy, Robert Wemyss and Head Girl, Margaret Dunford made presentations before guests and children enjoyed a splendid tea provided by kitchen staff. Tours of the new building were offered to those who hadn’t seen it before.
Sustainability - Fast Fashion
Have you heard about Fast Fashion? It is where we buy cheap clothes that are rapidly produced for the mass market following a fashion trend and then when that fashion is over we create a huge amount of waste as we throw away these clothes. The carbon footprint of new clothes bought in the UK each month is the equivalent of flying in an aeroplane around the world 900 times!
We can do our bit for the environment by purchasing quality items rather than buying loads of items and reduce the number of items we purchase over a year. We can also see if any of the clothes we are buying have a sustainability pledge such as using Fairtrade cotton or planting a tree for every item of clothing bought.
Join the Great Big Wildern Spring Clean 2023
Help save our local environment! We would love for students and parents to come and join the Wildern Eco group and staff on Saturday March 18, at 10 AM outside the D@rt, ready to litter pick across the Wildern School site. We are hoping to also litter pick along Wildern Lane and into Wildern Nature Reserve. We will provide litter pickers, gloves and bags courtesy of Eastleigh Borough Council.
There will be refreshments afterwards and a slice of cake. Sign up via Eventbrite ‘Wildern Big Clean’ or just turn up on the morning. Be part of the solution in 2023.
Wildern Litter Picking Club
Come and join our litter picking club! This came from an idea of two year 7 students who wanted get involved in cleaning up our school site. More students have joined since. Once we've collected the pickers and bags from the Site team, we go around and clean up the school site. All students are welcome to join and we meet after school every Friday in 309.
Future You - Action Your Potential
Please remember, they can adapt the majority of meals to any dietary needs if they know in advance (your child can speak to them by visiting the kitchen before 8:30am that day). Main/grill vegetarian options are always available - just ask Dan and his team.
* correct at time of sending, but may be subject to change
Congratulations to the 3 Wildern students who represented Eastleigh and Winchester at the District Cross Country Championships, all qualifying for the Hampshire squad!
If for any reason a club is cancelled, the Library is open until 5pm Monday-Wednesday, and until 4:30pm on Fridays.
What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions
Artificial intelligence is increasingly becoming a part of modern life and, for all intents and purposes, isn’t something we can shy away from. The explosion of ChatGPT, for instance, has brought this kind of technology into a more purposeful context, with millions now using the language model to help solve problems, write computer code or even complete their homework.
So how do artificial intelligence solutions work exactly? What kind of risks do they bring? Will they eventually negate the need for certain job roles, particularly in the creative industries? Our guide this week explains what AI solutions are and suggests ways parents and carers can support children to use the technology with an open mind. In the guide you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as inaccurate information, reinforcing stereotypes, and what impact the technology might have on children’s creativity and problem-solving skills.
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts