Parent Bulletin Friday 31 March
Parent Bulletin Friday 31 March 2023
This week has been so busy with so many school events that it has been hard to catch our breath. Our students have been remarkable and have shown everyone they have met, be it through visits, fixtures or performing, why we feel they are so special.
Our 90th celebration event last night was incredible; our Creative Arts team led not only our students, but our alumni students, primary pupils, college students from Barton Peveril as well as staff past and present in 9 decades of song, Dance, Drama and Art. It truly was a special night and thank you to everyone involved.
We send our best wishes for safe and enjoyable visits to Iceland and Austria over Easter and welcome back our German exchange trip this weekend. For our Year 11 students, holiday revision begins on Monday and we hope that these provide the consolidation and opportunity for additional support as we navigate towards the GCSE exams. They are ready, they just need to believe it!
I hope that everyone has a lovely break whether it be the full Easter holidays or the long bank holiday weekend. We just need the weather to remember we are in April!
Mrs Oakley
Thank you to the 47 parents who answered our question last week about whether your child receives regular feedback. Unfortunately, this is a very low response rate (2.4%) and as such, it is hard to draw any conclusions from the data. The comments parents left gave us a bit more information and we can build this into our further work on feedback across the school.
We asked students the same question in the Student's Wildern Weekly last week as well and had a much greater response rate which is more statistically reliable.
Students told us that over 71% felt they regularly receive feedback from their teachers (which is over 5% increase on last year) with comments including:
"The feedback that we receive is helpful to know what we are getting right, and what we are doing wrong"
"Some teachers give me feedback but others don’t and it isn’t every lesson"
"I think we get the right amount of help and support 👍"
"I get feedback on assessments we have done and teachers often help me if I have misunderstood a concept."
"We do all of the above in most lessons."
"We do get feedback from members of staff sometimes but not as much as it’s full potential (not as regular)"
"I am given feedback in places where I need to improve and given ways to do that for example if I get a spelling wrong my teacher will tell me how it is spelt and tell me to write it out three times "
"Sometimes I don’t under that I am getting feedback but I am"
"Receiving feedback is important as it will help you improve your work. Listening to it is more important though."
"Feedback is good because it helps you learn your mistakes"
Feedback includes written and verbal teacher comments, peer feedback, whole class feedback, model answers and live modelling in lessons, quiz and assessment scores. Please ask your child about the types of feedback they receive and how they use this to improve their work. Read more about this at Wildern here.
This has been a focus for us this year and will continue to be in terms CPD for staff and quality assurance of student learning in lessons and book looks. We will continue to work with students to recognise when feedback is given and ensure they understand the powerful role this has in their learning when acted upon. We will also ensure that teachers are providing this regularly and consistently both within subjects and across the school.
Easter Egg donations - Thank you!
A huge thank you to everyone that donated an Easter Egg to this year's appeal. As a school we donated an incredible 478 eggs that will make a huge difference to members of our local community. Thank you!
All Years
Summer Uniform: Following feedback from students and parents we have made a change to our uniform for the summer months, in order to best support students on hot days and to support families with the cost of school uniform.
- If the temperature is 28°C or hotter, students will be able to wear their PE kit to school instead of their usual uniform. We now have our own weather station based at Wildern and the forecast from this will be used to determine if we move to PE kits. We will let students and parents know via email, Insight and social media if this is the case.
- We also have stopped the need to purchase branded summer shirts and students will be required to wear a tie throughout usual uniform days in the summer. Students who already have branded summer shirts are welcome to wear these but they will need to wear a tie with these at all times from now on please.
Ramadan: Celebrating diversity at Wildern we are proud to be supporting our students observing Ramadan. If your son or daughter requires access to the prayer room for quiet reflection, or prayer - or if we can support in any other way, please contact Miss Pine in Learning Support.
Year 7 ICT trip to Bletchley Park
English: Students will be studying Twelve Minutes to Midnight book for English study in the summer term.
We would kindly ask you to purchase a copy of the key text they study in the summer term of Year 7 so that they can annotate chapters as we read them in lessons. Please be assured that your son/daughter’s book does not have to be brand new and that students eligible for Pupil Premium will receive their copies through the school. The book we would ask you to purchase is: Twelve Minutes to Midnight by Christopher Edge ISBN: 9780857630506
There are many cheap ways of buying texts: World of Books sells second hand books with free postage as does will sell new versions of the texts, but there are also second hand books available, just look for ‘used’ under the main advertised price.
Year 8
Pathways: please complete this very short survey to give us feedback on the pathways process.
Year 9 English trip to the Globe: Macbeth Year 9 Exams Science Exam: The Science exam taking place during this week will be used as part of a teacher assessment, to determine the best science course (separate or combined) for your child moving into Year 10.
Year 10
Science: Tutor time booster sessions will be taking place on Wednesday’s during this half term. If your child is invited, you will have received an email with the details. Please encourage your child to attend. Students have been placed in classes which will allow them to reach their full potential in Year 11. Students will sit an assessment the first lesson back after Easter. A revision task has been set as self study and revision resources are available on Google Classrooms.
Animal Care: Manor Farm visits will continue to be every Week A, Tuesday Period 5 after Easter. Please complete the parental agreement form online through your Parentpay account
Year 11
ESPs after Easter
Tuesday 18 April: English
Wednesday 19 April: Maths
Year 11 Art and Photography Students: 10 Hour exams start week beginning 2 May 2023 - students should ensure they are fully prepared for this by completing all 4 assessment objectives as directed by their teachers.
Science: Tutor time booster sessions will be taking place on Tuesday’s and Friday’s during the summer term. If your child is invited, you will have received an email with the details. Please encourage your child to attend.
English, Maths and Science: Live lessons are available for revision help. Sign up here.
English at Easter: We look forward to seeing your son/daughter in school for Easter revision on Monday 3 April. MN Population will have English from 9-11am and PQ population from 11:30 - 1:30pm. There will be a drop in clinic from 2-3pm. All welcome.
English ESPs: After Easter, the English department will be holding ESP’s every Tuesday. Individual class teachers will run these in the manner most fitting the needs of their class and may choose to invite small groups to work with them. All students will have access to an English revision task on Google classroom if they have not been invited.
Geography at Easter: We look forward to seeing your son/daughter in school for Easter revision, your child has been invited to one, hour and half session across the day on Thursday 6 April. The topics covered will be fieldwork and natural hazards.
In 1965, Wildern has its first mini-bus! The cost of the mini-bus was £500 and this was raised at a huge fete held at the school. The running costs of £150-£200 were funded through PTA fund-raising events in the early days of running it. Nowadays, that would barely pay for a tank of petrol!
Share your memories and photos with us:
Careers updates and opportunities
It has been a busy term for careers events for students across the school. Read more about these in our Career's newsletter here.
Experiences away from home - National Citizen Service
You may have already heard about NCS (National Citizen Service) – over 750,000 young people have taken part. This is your teen’s chance to get out into the world, get some new skills, make friends AND have fun. NCS away from home experiences will help your teen to Live It, Boss It, or Change It over five-days and four-nights – the choice of theme is theirs!
LIVE IT - This 5-day adventure away from home gives young people the life hacks they didn’t know they needed, teaches survival skills, and tests limits with adrenaline-filled outdoor activities.
BOSS IT - This experience takes place at University accommodation and is for young people keen to start their career goals or own business. It gives tools, know-how, and inspiration needed to take control and be successful.
CHANGE IT - This theme gives young people the change to change their community, or even the world, for the better. They’ll explore the issues facing society today, discover their purpose, and turn passions into projects that make a difference.
What are the benefits of NCS away from home experiences? It’s only £95 for the entire experience, including accommodation, transport and food (bursaries are also available).
- NCS enhances CVs and college applications.
- NCS is recognised by UCAS and will benefit personal statements.
- NCS improves confidence and offers skills essential for starting work.
- NCS provides new skills and helps people develop independence.
- NCS allows your teen a chance to stay away from home.
It’s an exciting opportunity and not one to be missed. Your teen can only do NCS away from home experiences when they are 16 or 17 year olds, so if they’re looking for a new challenge or a chance to get out the house and make a difference, visit and register today, places are limited.
Face-to-face Southampton Routes into STEM May half term course
Would you like to help your Son/Daughter make well-informed choices about their future study and careers?
Let’s work together to inspire the next generation of Scientists, Engineers and world changers. The Engineering Development Trust (EDT) has arranged an insightful local course over the May half term, collaborating with Solent University Apprenticeship Routes, University of Southampton and Leidos to deliver their Routes into STEM programmes.
What is Routes into STEM?
Routes is an innovative 3-day course which provides young people in Years 9 & 10 with an understanding of the amazing opportunities offered by STEM based careers (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). The course allows your child to engage with a college, a university and a company who have put together an interesting agenda to showcase STEM courses, apprenticeships, degrees and careers, giving your child the best chance to make informed decisions and to meet role models.
- Day 1: Solent University Apprenticeship Routes – Tuesday 30th May 2023
- Day 2: University of Southampton – Wednesday 31st May 2023
- Day 3: Leidos – Thursday 1st June 2023
You can access the Southampton flyer here. Benefits include:
- Engages all students no matter their academic level
- Practical taster sessions of STEM courses at College and University helping with decision making
- Visualisation of future STEM career opportunities and how to access them through apprenticeship & graduate schemes
- Gaining a bronze industry-led accreditation from Industrial Cadets
- Meet role models
Course fee & other support - The course costs £165 for all 3 days including the Industrial Cadets accreditation fee. No payment is required until the place has been offered. There are limited bursary places also available.
Lunch & Travel Arrangements - Students are responsible for their own daily travel. Lunch is sometimes provided for the course and this will be confirmed along with all other details in the Course Joining Instructions.
For More Information:
Apply Online:
Win a £50 Amazon voucher and a live Q&A for your school with NHS ambassadors by taking part in the NHS Easter Careers Challenge between 20th March & 20th April 2023. All you have to do is start by signing up to the NHS Careers Easter Challenge.
This is what you have to do:
Register at using your school email address
Complete 2 tasks - start with the Easter Challenge and take the What is the NHS? Quiz
Send a message to an Ambassador to find out about a career
Supporting Positive Mental-Health & Wellbeing Over the Easter Break
This link to a collection of Apps that are designed to support young people, adults and families with their mental health and well-being. Some of these do need a paid subscription to use them while others have been made freely available. There is also a huge wealth of information and support on the Wildern Wellbeing Hub.
If over the holidays you find that you need some additional support, these contact numbers may be of help:
- For any safeguarding concerns out of hours please contact the Children's Services out of hours team on 0300 555 1373.
- Please note in an emergency call 999.
- If you are a student and need support please see below of where to go to get the support you may need
- ChatHealth 07505 332160
- Childline
- Samaritans 116123
- Police 101 or in an emergency 999
- Wellbeing Area on the Wildern Website
- If you are upset and having thoughts and urges about hurting yourself, then stop, take a deep breath and read this page
- Stop Domestic Abuse
Applications open for all year 10 students to apply to be House Captains. The deadline for this is Tuesday 18 April. All information is on the tutor Google Classroom pages. This is a great chance to get involved in helping lead your house to victory, plus a great addition to have on college applications!
We are very pleased to announce our new Head Student team 2023-2024! We had such a lovely group of students we interviewed, 14 in all. They reminded us once again of the quality of the students we have here at Wildern!
The new team are as follows: Evie Jones (Head Girl), Harry Still (Head Boy), Joshua Trussler (Deputy Head Boy) and Poppy Lacey (Deputy Head Girl). Each student appointed will champion their own cause for the year. We’re excited about what they have to bring to the table this year!
Please remember, they can adapt the majority of meals to any dietary needs if they know in advance (your child can speak to them by visiting the kitchen before 8:30am that day). Main/grill vegetarian options are always available - just ask Dan and his team.
* correct at time of sending, but may be subject to change
After Easter, we launch our Summer term extra curricular activities including our new Summer PE menu. Please look at what is on offer to your child and discuss this over the holidays with them as their might be something more that they can get involved with.
If for any reason a club is cancelled, the Library is open until 5pm Monday-Wednesday, and until 4:30pm on Fridays.
What Parents and Carers Need to Know about iPads
When Apple unveiled the iPad in early 2010, they almost single-handedly rewrote people’s idea of what of a portable computing device was capable of – and sparked a tablet revolution. There are several very respectable imitators on the market now, but the iPad remains the standard bearer for tablet computers and still routinely shifts upwards of 40 million units every year.
Their immense popularity, of course, has made the iPad a familiar companion for children and young people: an auxiliary TV; an aid for schoolwork; and a blessing on long car journeys. That said, there are still some aspects of Apple’s flagship tablet that parents and carers should bear in mind to help protect their child from online risks – as our guide explains.
This guide highlights possible hazards including the risk of age-inappropriate content, physical damage to the device and potential screen addiction.
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts