Parent Bulletin Friday 7 July 2023
Parent Bulletin Friday 7 July 2023
I’m Mrs Dixon, Director of Learning for Humanities and subject leader for Geography.
The Humanities subjects at Wildern are History (subject leader Miss Greensword), Religious Education (subject leader Mrs Watson), Travel and Tourism (subject leader Mrs Mistry) and Geography. I love all of the humanities subjects because they help to explain our place in the World, create empathy and to always consider the impacts our actions have on the World and people around us.
July 11th is World Population Day, a day which seeks to bring awareness to the growing pressures and opportunities a growing population can bring. This week there is an opportunity for us all to reflect on our population of 8 billion people and how our humanities subjects are woven into this. Our population is able to live longer due to historical breakthroughs in medicine and growing international efforts for peace. Our population of 8 billion all have rich and diverse religious, cultural and social backgrounds which we can all celebrate not just within this week but always. Then we have to decide how we can balance the challenges of a growing population in an ever fragile World.
If you’re curious to find out a little more, find out which billionth person you are by using this website
If you have any concerns with your child’s progress or attainment in Humanities, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or myself and we will be more than happy to discuss this with you.
On Wednesday evening we celebrated our annual Awards Evening. Congratulations to all our winners and their families. Special mention to George and Sophie for the outstanding performances in such a large venue, the staff behind the scenes and the Kings Community Church.
A final huge thank you to our Senior Student Leadership Team: Harry, Evie, Josh and Flo for the brilliant way they hosted the evening. Supported by a team of really helpful prefects around the venue.
We have also had two Headteachers lunches for 140 student with an eref score over 700 this week.
Start of Term Arrangements 2023-24:
For all:
Friday 1 September - INSET day
Thursday 7 September - whole school in school.
Year 7:
Monday 4 September – Year 7 programme
Tuesday 5 September - Year 7 Programme
Wednesday 6 September - Year 7 Programme
Years 8-10
Tuesday 5 September and Wednesday 6 September - ‘Meeting Me’ conversations between tutor and tutees and parents if they can attend. Further info to follow
Year 11
The Year Group will be divided into two groups and complete a ‘Meeting Me’ conversation with their tutor on one day and on the other day they will be in school all day. Further info to follow
Whole School
Monday 10 July Week B
Monday 17 July Week A
Monday 17 July Colours Evening 7pm- 9pm
Wednesday 19 July Catch up Tdip/MenA/CWY and HPV Vaccinations
Friday 21 July (12pm) early finish for School Holidays
Staff In-Service Training Days 2023-24 (Students will not be in school on the following INSET Days: )
Friday 1 September
Friday 13 October
Friday 24 November
Monday 19 February
Monday 24 June
Year 7
Monday 10 July History Trip to Mary Rose Museum & Dockyard
Monday 10 July Parent Information evening 6pm - 6:45pm
Wednesday 12 July Paultons Park Trip
Thursday 13 July Sports Day
Year 8
Tuesday 11 July Parent Information evening 6pm - 6:45pm
Wednesday 12 July Paultons Park Trip
Thursday 13 July Sports Day
Year 9
Tuesday 11 July Parent Information evening 7pm -7:45pm
Wednesday 12 July Sports Day
Thursday 13 July Paultons Park Trip
Year 10
Monday 10 July Southampton City College Taster Day
Monday 10 July Parent Information evening 7pm - 7:45pm
Wednesday 12 July Sports Day
Thursday 13 July Paultons Park Trip
Year 11
Thursday 24 August 10am GCSE Results collection
This academic year we have welcomed parents/carers to our informal events hosted in the D@rt foyer. Moving forward, we are keen to expand upon this success. We are seeking your feedback to ensure that the coffee morning themes match your interests and schedule them for times that are most convenient to the majority.
Please complete the form below to register your thoughts. Parent Coffee Mornings
If you require any further information or have any questions please email We look forward to welcoming you. The Coffee Morning Team
Paultons Park Trip Information
End of Year Letter from Mrs Oakley
The end of term is fast approaching and I cannot believe how time has flown this year. Once more our students have shown commitment, energy, enthusiasm and a positive attitude to their learning; they embrace all the opportunities afforded to them.
Wildern Colours
If you have been successful in achieving your full or half colours you will have received an email from Miss Jones. Please confirm your attendance and choose your meal by Monday 10th July. You must use your Wildern email to log in. The form only accepts Wildern emails.
New Lockers for 2023-24
Year 6 -10 Students, if they would like a locker next year the option to request one has been added to ParentPay
Geography Residential to Argoed Lwyd Outdoor Education Centre
Following a very successful trip earlier this term, the Geography Department is thrilled to announce that we will be running a 3 night residential trip
Return Locker Keys
Students are now asked to return their locker keys to the Finance Office in return for their £5 refund. LOCKERS MUST BE EMPTIED PRIOR TO KEYS BEING RETURNED.
In the event that any student has lost their locker key please can they let Finance know.
Please find attached the information and resources for our Summer booklets. Please get in touch with your son/daughter’s English teacher if you have any questions.
Y7 into Y8 Booklet
Year 8 will not have a ‘Summer Booklet’ as outlined for other year groups, as they will be focusing on the whole school Summer reading project.
You will have received a letter about the science pathway best suited to your child. Revision guides can be purchased through the school. If you wish to purchase independently.
When ordering you only need to order the revision guide(s) that match the science pathway your child will be following next year. Combined students will only need one revision guide and or workbook whereas the separate science students will need a Biology, Chemistry and Physics revision guide and workbook
Italy: Rome & the Bay of Naples
We are delighted to be arranging a pioneering visit for Year 9 History students to Italy, Rome and the Bay of Naples. Friday 29 March 2024 – Thursday 4 April 2024
Careers information
As we prepare for the new academic year we thought this would be a good time to outline all of the careers information, advice and guidance programmes your son/daughter will experience as they progress through year 10.
Please find attached the information and resources for our Summer booklets. Please get in touch with your son/daughter’s English teacher if you have any questions.
Y9 into Y10 Booklet
Year 10 WAD 3
This has been sent home this week and will appear on INSIGHT. This contains Application Grades for the first time. These are given by teachers to indicate what your son/daughter could achieve if they showed exceptional Behaviours for Learning from this moment on (i.e. YELLOW). They are for college application forms to show what your son/daughter could be capable of. They are not Predicted Grades. Please do re-watch the video to help with how to talk to your child about WAD.
Please find attached the information and resources for our Summer booklets. Please get in touch with your son/daughter’s English teacher if you have any questions.
Y10 into Y11 Booklet
Booster sessions will be taking place during tutor time after half term. They will be running on Wednesday’s in room 318. You will have received a letter if your child is invited to attend.
Year 10 DofE
Assessment Expedition will be leaving from school on Friday 14 July. Collection will be from the Car Park at 189 Lyndhurst Rd, Ashurst, Southampton SO40 7AS on Saturday 15 July at around 2pm.
A reminding to turn-off automatic top-up payments for school meals on ParentPay
GCSE Results collection
Thursday 24 August 10am from the Dart
Recently, some of our students represented Wildern at the summer EARA meeting (Equality and Rights Advocates). 8-10 schools from around the region meet to discuss issues of equality and rights within schools and feedback on all the work they are doing within their respective schools. This session was focused on expressing their voice through art with Osman Ahmed. Our students then presented to around 70-80 students about the fantastic things we have been doing and achieved, including celebrating receiving the Diana Award for the great work of the anti-bullying ambassadors.
Prefects were also out in full force at Induction Evening welcoming new families to the school, offering tours, answering questions and making sure everyone felt welcome. The wonderful comments from staff and parents have shown the excellent culture they are helping create by their diligence, and they were particularly praised this time for their proactivity. Well done all!
Watch for Signs of Heat Stress
On hot days, watch for signs of heat illness in yourself and others. Heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are possible on hot days. Signs of heat-related illness include:
- Muscle pains, cramps, or spasms
- Heavy sweating, paleness, weakness, dizziness, headache nausea or vomiting
- Confusion, fainting or unconsciousness
- High body temperature (over 103 degrees) with dry skin (not sweating)
- Rapid pulse
If you feel sick and suspect it may be heat-related, sip a sports drink. Get medical help if you still don’t feel better. If you experience very high body temperature, rapid pulse, or dizziness it can be an emergency. Get medical help immediately.
By following these tips, you can reduce your risk of heat injury. Have a safe and enjoyable summer!
What are they? Microaggressions are very common, however many people will never have heard of or experienced them. The prefix “micro” helps describe them - they are small, offhand comments which single out or are aimed at specific groups of people. Often those who say them don’t realise the negative effect it has on others. Examples of microaggressions could be: repeatedly asking to touch a black person’s hair, telling a gay person they ‘don’t act gay’, assuming all Asian people are smart, or mispronouncing an ethnic name after being corrected multiple times. To a lot of people, these seem insignificant comments that can be easily forgotten and moved on from. In reality, they can be extremely harmful to someone’s mental health, especially after hearing microaggressions repeatedly throughout their days.
Why are they bad? Although often not meant maliciously, that doesn’t mean that the receiver is not hurt. Microaggressions single people out and make them feel different to the rest. The fact that they are not always meant rudely or are not always thought about before being said, means that often people think they aren’t serious enough to act and report upon. But this is not okay - somebody facing constant microaggressions that are not dealt with will bottle up their emotions until it is no longer possible, ultimately causing negative consequences for themselves or others.
What can be done? Firstly, it is vital to understand what microaggressions are, how to recognise them, and the impact they can have on others. Even if a microaggression is not directly aimed at you, it is important to step in and point out the problem with what is being said. To stop yourself from saying something that could be offensive towards others, think about what you say before you say it. If you are in doubt, don’t say it - chances are it could be offensive. If you believe you have heard a microaggression, you need to point it out. Don’t be afraid of calling out comments that could be perceived as racist, homophobic, ableist or sexist.
Furthermore: If you would like to know more, you can visit the Micropedia of Microaggressions website which gives a more detailed explanation with a multitude of examples. If they have affected you or someone you know, student services, the Wellbeing Hub or Childline can offer support.
Contributed by MH and OD Student Diversity Group
In February 2011, Wildern gained, for the first time but not the last, Fairtrade School Status. This was achieved by the school running fairtrade events and the use of fairtrade information in schemes of work and resources. Every year since, Wildern has a fortnight to focus on Fairtrade and what it means.
Share your memories and photos with us:
Hawaiian flatbread pizza and mixed salad or
Cheese quiche & roasted vegetables and new potatoes (v)
Spicy chicken / vegetables with rice and garlic bread (v) or
Veggie Meatballs, pasta and garlic bread (v)
Mexican Chicken / veggie wrap and green salad (v)
Sports Day so only one main meal option
Mexican Chicken / veggie wrap and green salad (v)
Sports Day so only one main meal option
Fish of the day or
Beef / veggie pie topped with cajun fries and bbq beans (v)
Please remember, we can adapt the majority of meals to any dietary needs if we know in advance (your child can speak to kitchen staff by visiting the kitchen before 8:30am that day). Main A/B vegetarian options are always available - just ask Dan and his team. * correct at time of sending, but may be subject to change
Another hard-fought victory by the U15 cricket squad v Swanmore College winning by 3 wickets which earns them a place in the Eastleigh & Winchester District Final POM: C.Jones
U13 Cricket team are district cricket champions and it came down to the final over but they won by 11 runs in a very tightly fought contest. Thornden played incredibly but we just held out. Special mention to C.Jones Yr8 hitting 59 runs of 61 balls.
Here is our Summer term extra curricular activities including our Summer PE menu. Please look at what is on offer to your child and discuss this over the holidays with them as their might be something more that they can get involved with.
Taster Day information for this week (this is only relevant if your child has opted for these colleges), please make sure your child is aware of the arrangements.
Southampton City College - Monday 10 July
Address: St Mary Street, Southampton, SO14 1AR
Contact number: 02380 577418
You will need to make your own way to the college, and meet your teachers there at 9:15am. The day will finish at 2:30pm, and then you need to make your own way home. Lunch - Hot meals, sandwiches and snacks are available to buy from our Café, prices range from £2.00 - £5.99. You may bring your own food and drink if you wish. Please use the main college entrance on St Mary Street.
What Parents and Carers Need to Know about AI Virtual Friends
Artificial intelligence is probably the hot topic in technology circles right now, with questions being raised worldwide about how AI might conceivably affect the very future of the human race. In the short term, however – definitely as far as its impact on young people is concerned – the clearest risk is almost certainly the AI-powered ‘virtual friends’ which are springing up all over the internet.
There’s Replika and Kuki, for instance, while Snapchat has recently got in on the act with My AI – and search engines like Bing and Google have developed their own versions. Are these machine intelligences suitable online companions for young people? What are their limitations and weak spots? Our guide profiles the emergence of AI ‘virtual friends’.
Wildern Partnership SCITT
Our school provides the ideal opportunity to undertake and complete your teacher training. We offer expert in-school support through subject mentorship complemented by a school professional themes programme. We aim to offer teaching opportunities across all key stages, allowing you complete immersion into the school environment.
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
Follow us on social media:
Wildern School
Wildern Lane
Hedge End
SO30 4EJ
01489 783473