Parent Bulletin Friday 22nd September 2023
Parent Bulletin Friday 22nd September 2023
After a very wet week, do you remember the heatwave at the start of term? We are please to share the positive start to this term we have seen at Wildern. Our students look smart, have quickly settled into their lessons and routines and we have a had a calm and purposeful first few weeks. It's fantastic to see students valuing being in school with attendance up nearly 1.5% on the same time last year. Thank you for your support with this.
We are also very proud of our GCSE results this summer, and how hard our students worked. Last year’s Year 11 students gained excellent GCSE results, with 70% of all students secured Grades 4 to 9 in English and Mathematics 46% of all students secured Grades 5 to 9 in English and Mathematics and 19% of all GCSE grades were 7 to 9 click here to read more.
We also wanted to say how well our new Year 7 students have settled at school and how proud we are of our older students for being so welcoming.
Next week we will be email parents our Parent handbooks for each year group.
Tickets for ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ are now on sale to the Wildern School Community for the shows on Wednesday 18 October, Thursday 19 October and Friday 20 October 2023. Tickets can be booked via The Little Box Office using the following link.
We would also like to remind you that the school will be starting at 10am for all students on Friday 29 September. This is to ensure all areas across school are cleared following our Open Evening. All students will go straight to their P2 lesson when they arrive where they will be registered. To ensure the safety of our students it is important that students are not on site before 9:50am as they will not be supervised by staff who will be ensuring classrooms are ready for a prompt start at 10am. We thank you for your support with this.
If your son or daughter in amongst the 150+ students that have cycled to school today please complete this form if you haven't already this term.
Lastly if your son or daughter has any new health conditions please remember to contact us to provide more details. Please email
Flu Vaccination
A reminder about the Flu Vaccination for all year groups. Please click here for the letter and information about the vaccine. Please click here for the consent form School Code: SH136654.
Google Guardians
At Wildern, we use Google Classroom to set self-study for students to complete outside of their lessons. Each student has a Google Classroom for each of the subjects that they study and are able to complete assignments and track which pieces of work they have done using the To Do List feature. As a parent of guardian, you are able to monitor the activity on Google Classroom by signing up to become a Google Guardian and receive a Guardian Summary.
Guardian Summaries are reports that outline what has been posted onto each of your child’s Google Classroom pages and details which assignments have be completed, which assignments are missing and upcoming assignment deadlines. These Guardian Summaries can be received either daily or weekly at your choosing.
When your child started with us at Wildern, you would have received an email asking if you would like to become a Google Guardian and receive Guardian Summaries. These invitations last for 120 days before they become inactive. If you are currently not receiving Guardian Summaries and would like to start receiving them, please email and state your child’s name, tutor group and the email addresses you would like to receive the Guardian Summaries and we will send a new invitation through.
Parent Consent Form and Data Privacy Notice
Wildern has been taking part in the United Against Bullying anti-bullying programme provided by the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA). ABA is part of the National Children’s Bureau (NCB) and works to reduce bullying in schools.
In order to make sure that we are doing all we can to prevent and reduce bullying and to improve student wellbeing, we wanted to find out the levels of bullying in our school and to find out how our students feel about school. For this reason, we invite all students at our school to complete an anonymous survey in September. Next week we will be asking students to complete the questionnaire again to see if the changes made have had an impact.
We are asking for your permission for your child to be invited to complete the student questionnaire. If you do not want your child to be invited to complete the questionnaire then please let us know by 29th September 2023 by clicking here.
If you give consent for your child to participate, completing the survey is still up to them. Please be reassured that you or your child choosing not to take part in the survey will not disadvantage you or your child in any way.
If you are unsure about whether you would like your child to take part and you have some questions about the survey, you are welcome to contact me at the school.
The information on the FAQ page is important since it will explain about the survey and how the information gathered will be used.
Whole School
Monday 25 September Week B
Thursday 28 September Open Evening 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Friday 29 September Late start 10am
Monday 2 October Week A
Monday 2 October O2 Young Voices Choir Performance
Thursday 5 October Athena Awards 5:30-7pm
Friday 6 October Open Morning 9:45-10:45am
Monday 9 October Week B
Monday 16 October Week A
Monday 16 October School Production Dress Rehearsal 8:30am-3pm
Tuesday 17 October School Production Matinee 1:30pm - 3pm
Wednesday 18 October School Production 7-9pm
Thursday 19 October School Production 7-9pm
Friday 20 October School Production 7-9pm
Monday 23 -27 October Half Term
Monday 30 October School Returns Week B
Year 7
Monday 9 -13 October CATS Catch up
Wednesday 18 October MAC assembly/ Launch Wav
Year 8
Monday 2 October Sea Life/River Cruise
Tuesday 3 October Life/River Cruise
Year 9
Saturday 23 September Year 9 & 11 -MAST Mayflower Studios trip 7:00 – 9:30pm
Year 10
Tuesday 26 September The Globe (Macbeth) 8:00am – 7:00pm
Tuesday 3 October Year 10/11 careers fair
Friday 6 October Belgium/France Battlefields
Saturday 14 October Year 10 DofE Practice Walk
Friday 20th-23rd October Geography Trip to Iceland
Year 11
Monday 25 - Thursday 28 September College Assemblies
Tuesday 26 September iMedia Portchester Castle Trip - 10:00-12:30pm
Saturday 23 September MAST Mayflower Studios - 7:00 – 9:30pm
Tuesday 3 October Year 10/11 careers fair
Monday 9 October Art and Photography Practice exam week
Thursday 12 October Year 11 Virtual Parents Evening 4-8pm
Parent conduct letter Sept 2023
We know that the best way to get the very best outcomes for our students, your children, is to work closely together as a partnership (school and home) through discussion and understanding.
Meeting Me sessions
We would very much like to gain some feedback from you regarding recent Meeting Me sessions that happened at the start of term for Year 8 - 11 students please click here if you haven't already completed it.
Music Rock 2 the Beat
We are delighted to be starting our provision at Wildern in September 2023, and are now inviting sign ups. Lessons will be during the school day.
Cashless Catering
A reminder that catering is cashless and accounts need topping up online or via the machine in the red dining hall which takes coins and credits them to student accounts.
Flu Vaccination – ALL Year Groups
Please click the link below for the consent form and information about the vaccine.
Little Shop of Horrors Afterschool Rehearsal Schedule
Young Voices Concert at the O2 Arena
Young Voices concert at the O2 arena, London, on Tuesday 30 January 2024.
Motivational Maps
Last week, as part of our induction programme our year 7 students took part in a ‘Motivational Maps’ survey to help us find out more about them and what motivates them. They received their reports via their school gmail account. You can find out more about these reports and how to use them here.
Music opportunities and Contribution to Workshops
The Music department aims to provide an inclusive, positive and enjoyable curriculum where student’s well-being, achievement and life skills are at the centre.
Art Club
Due to year 11 Practice exams Art club will be cancelled on both Monday 2nd October and Monday 9th October. Sorry for any inconvenience. Mrs Lynch
Design and Technology
We have a very exciting curriculum planned for Year 7, which we look forward to sharing with your child.
Sea Life Centre London & River Thames River Cruise
In order to enrich the Geography curriculum and support the teaching of our oceans unit, the Wildern School Geography Department has organised a day trip to London.
Art Club
Due to year 11 Practice exams Art club will be cancelled on both Monday 2nd October and Monday 9th October. Sorry for any inconvenience. Mrs Lynch
Music opportunities and Contribution to Workshops
The music department aims to provide an inclusive, positive and enjoyable curriculum where student’s well-being, achievement and life skills are at the centre.
GCSE Science Live, London
The Science department would like to offer your child the opportunity to attend GCSE Science Live at the Dominion Theatre, London.
Art Club
Due to year 11 Practice exams Art club will be cancelled on both Monday 2nd October and Monday 9th October. Sorry for any inconvenience. Mrs Lynch
GCSE Design and Technology
As you will be aware your child has recently started the GCSE Design and Technology course. We have a very exciting curriculum planned for Year 9, which we look forward to sharing with your child.
All students who are attending the Globe Theatre trip to see Macbeth on Tuesday 26th September . The trip will depart from school at 9am (students will need to meet at 8:30am) and will return to school at approx 7pm.
Iceland October 2023
There is a meeting Tuesday 26th September morning break in 505.This is compulsory to collect hoodies, go over a slight change in our itinerary, sort out luggage labels. Meeting starts at 11am and should finish at 11:15, you will be welcome to eat food at the meeting. Mrs Dixon.
Experience of a workplace
As part of our Year 10 careers programme, all students have the opportunity to attend an experience of a workplace visit for 2 consecutive days
Extra Support Programme (ESPs) Schedule Autumn 1 2023
The Year 11 Extra Support Programme (ESPs) Schedule for the first part of the Autumn term 2023 can be seen here
We have a number of English Language and Literature revision guides left over from previous years. The information in them is correct and accurate - they just have the wrong year written on the front. We are offering these for free on a first come first served basis to ensure that they are not wasted. Please collect from the English office or ask Mrs Rooney. We will be offering the most up to date revision guides this year for a cost of £2 each.
Year 11 Practice Art Exam
Year 11 Art and Photography students - GCSE Practice exam W/B 9th October - please check details with your child's teacher. Art and Photography Drop ins are available at break, lunch and after school - please check availability with the class teacher.
Devising Drama portfolio
Last year your child completed 10% of their GCSE course with their Devising Drama practical assessment.
Practice Papers for Maths Revision
As in previous years, the Mathematics department will be utilising practice papers as a key part of the revision programme this year
Careers Parents Information Evening
Links to last weeks Y11 Parent Information Evening can be found on the Wildern website:
GCSE Exam Timetable 2024
Please find attached next summers GCSE Exam timetable
Student Services
We are always open to support all students between 8:45am and 3:30pm. The best times for students to drop in are:
11:10-11:25am - Breaktime
1:30-1:55pm - Lunchtime
3:00-3:15pm - After School
If students need to attend during lesson time they must remember to register with their teacher and collect the pink lanyard before they come.
Traffic and parking
We have noticed a significant increase in the traffic and parking in the roads surrounding the school, particularly at the end of the school day.
May we ask that you are respectful to our neighbours when parking to ensure they are able to enter and leave their properties at all times. The safety of our students is paramount, so please do not park on double yellow lines, particularly at the top of Allen Road and Westward Road, or stop on the zig zag markings. May we also remind you of the 20mph speed limit, during drop off and pick up times.
The Education for life programme supports students to be responsible, healthy, confident and respectful young adults prepared for life and work in an ever changing world. There are three key themes that all year groups will focus on throughout the year:
Health & Wellbeing
Living in the Wider World
This half term we are focussing on Health and Wellbeing. The programme consists of Education for life lessons, tutor sessions and assemblies. Please see below for a brief outline of what each year group will be studying this half term:
Year 7: Healthy Me
In this unit students will be exploring how to maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure both physical and mental health. They will focus on the importance of eating healthily, completing regular exercise and having a good bedtime routine. They will also be introduced to emotional wellbeing and understand what affects this.
Year 8: Drugs & Alcohol
In this unit students will explore issues surrounding drugs and alcohol. They will gain an understanding of the law surrounding drugs and alcohol, along with the different types of drugs. They will study in depth the socially accepted drugs of alcohol and tobacco with an emphasis on their effects and with regards to alcohol, how to stay safe.
Year 9: Peer influence, Substance Abuse & Gangs
Students will gain an understanding of the law surrounding drugs and alcohol, along with the different types of drugs. An important part of the unit will be exploring how peer pressure has a big impact on people’s choices to consume drugs and alcohol and providing students with strategies to deal with this. Students will explore the concept of addiction and where to access help and support for this as well as the effects of drugs on individuals and others.
Year 10: Mental Health
In this unit, students will be exploring Mental Health with a particular focus on how to recognise signs that someone might have a mental health issue such as depression, stress and anxiety. Students will look at the range of support available for those with emotional or mental health problems as well as exploring healthy coping strategies in order to be able to overcome these.
Year 11: Building for the Future & Next Steps
The first topic for Year 11 centres around Careers and Progression. It highlights the next steps for all students and encompasses an overview of all pathways available to them for post-16 life. It allows them to consider their skills and how to develop their own identity further. There are also more practical lessons allowing students to write a CV and personal statement and also take the next step of making their applications and interview preparations.
I hope you have all had a good weekend. I am a representative of the diversity focus group here at Wildern I would like to make you aware of the upcoming Bisexual visibility day on this Saturday the 23rd. It is important to recognise important bisexual figures in history on this day, and also any people you may know who are bisexual. Bisexual (commonly referred to as ‘bi’) is a sexuality which involves the attraction to one or more gender, and has existed since the beginning of time.
For example: Virginia Woolfe (1882-1941), popular novelist and writer, aside from her husband Leonard Woolfe, she also had relationships with fellow author Vita Sackville-West. Sir Alec Guiness (1914-2000) ‘Obi Wan’ in the Star Wars franchise, had a number of male and female partners throughout his life. However, he hated himself for it. We call this internalised homophobia, and it is one of the great challenges faced for LGBTQ+ people. To help someone struggling with this, it is important to accept them and acknowledge that you will not treat them differently.
Another problem faced specifically by bisexuals (biphobia) is being told to either just ‘be gay’ or to ‘be straight’. Sadly, these comments can even come from people in the LGBTQ+ community and are extremely hurtful. So, this week, this month, this year, consider how harmful your remarks could be, to help us stop biphobia, and eventually all homophobic views at Wildern and even in all of the UK.
Have a great week.
A.W. Yr 11 Diversity Focus Group
Pasta Bolognese and garlic bread /veggie pasta bolognese and garlic bread (v) or
Spicy Mexican chicken and rice / spicy veggie Mexican vegetables and rice (v)
Cheese and bacon turnover with sweet potato or salad or
Sweat sour chicken/veggie balls with vegetable rice (v)
Chunky chilli con carne veggie chilli with rice and nachos (v) or
Roasted vegetables / gammon in a bap with roast potatoes (v)
Meat or veggie curry of the day with rice and nann (v) or
Messy waffle burger / veggie burger with bacon and syrup fries and salad
Fish of the day with chips and peas or
Sausage/veggie sausage and smoked cheese turnover (v)
Please remember, we can adapt the majority of meals to any dietary needs if we know in advance (your child can speak to kitchen staff by visiting the kitchen before 8:30am that day). Main A/B vegetarian options are always available - just ask Dan and his team. * correct at time of sending, but may be subject to change
Wildern Snr Girls Football 2-1 Kings School Winchester (Hampshire Cup Rd.1)
Wildern Snr Girls Football win on penalties v Petersfield (National Cup Rd.1)
U14 netball vs Deer Park - L 12 -0.
U14 vs The Gregg W 5-0
We will publish Wildern Sports results here throughout the year. You can also follow the school PE Social Media Accounts for more updates Twitter and on Instagram
Dance clubs are now up and running.
Tuesday’s - Year 7 Dance Club: Multi Hall
Wednesday’s - Year 8 Dance Club: Multi Hall & Dynamism Boys Dance company in Da1
STEM club- Monday 3-4pm in room 306. This week we are designing and building catapults
Here is our Autumn term extra curricular activities including our Autumn PE menu. Please look at what is on offer to your child and discuss this over the holidays with them as their might be something more that they can get involved with.
Please click here for a list of current Southampton and surrounding areas Apprenticeship Vacancies.
Discover Eastleigh College - Open Event Tuesday 26th September
As a reminder, students have the opportunity to book in their 2 day Experience of a Workplace over Mon 17th June - Tues 18th June 2024 OR Tues 18th June - Weds 19th June 2024. If students are taking their Statistics exam on the 17th June, this has to take precedence and Experience of a Workplace should be arranged for the Tuesday and Wednesday instead.
Any further questions please contact Mr Fenner or Mrs Jeffries on
What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Live Streaming
Like a lot of digital services, live streaming really found its niche during the pandemic – think of Joe Wicks’ at-home fitness classes, Billie Eilish’s virtual gigs and Miley Cyrus’ chat show, for example. Real-time broadcasting of video content over the internet isn’t solely the province of celebrities, however: anyone with a device and something to say (or show) can take part.
With platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, TikTok and Twitch all offering routes to a vast online audience, young people have enthusiastically taken up the baton – streaming on subjects from gaming to sports to live shopping (yes, really!). Potentially having strangers among one’s viewers, though, is just one of many concerns. Our guide has the key information.
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
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Wildern School
Wildern Lane
Hedge End
SO30 4EJ
01489 783473