Parent Bulletin Friday 29th September 2023
Parent Bulletin Friday 29th September 2023
It's been another busy week at Wildern with our open evening on Thursday where we were delighted to talk to so many prospective parents and students. Our student helpers and prefect team on the evening once again did themselves proud.
Year 11 Parents Evening is coming up on Thursday 12 October 2023 4pm - 8pm. This is an opportunity to talk about your child's engagement and progress with their subject teachers. Just visit to make appointments. Also click here form the preparation for exams parents information evening for Year 10 & 11 parents.
Tickets for ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ are selling quickly for the shows on Wednesday 18 October, Thursday 19 October and Friday 20 October 2023. Tickets can be booked via The Little Box Office using the following link.
The Year 11 Extra Support Programme (ESPs) Schedule for the first part of the Autumn term 2023 can be seen here. Well done to all our Year 11 students that attended this week.
A reminder about the Flu Vaccination for all year groups. Please click here for the consent form and information about the vaccine. Students will not be given a vaccine if the consent has not been completed by the 2 October.
Students enjoyed the "Olympic Lifting Course" running after school. See the extra curricular section for more details.
Walktober 2023 is about to begin we are encouraging all students to Get moving this Walktober! By walking, wheeling, cycling, scooting, using Park and Stride or public transport together we will reduce car use, benefit health and wellbeing, have a positive impact on the local community by reducing congestion and improve air quality.
We have set four challenges to help get moving this Walktober, plus a bonus task for the final two days. Remember, students can choose their own active travel challenges but if you would like to have a go at the suggested challenges below are some ideas to help.
Week 1 - Swap a car journey: How often can you walk, wheel, scoot, cycle, Park and Stride or take public transport instead of using the car for the full journey?
- For this challenge you could:
- Walk or wheel to the local shop(s) instead of driving.
- Park and Stride instead of parking near school. Park 5-10 minutes away and walk, wheel or scoot the rest of the journey, maybe you could park near a friend’s house and walk/wheel together.
- Take a bus or train on a day trip instead of the car.
- If you have a club or activity after school or at the weekend, cycle there and leave the car at home.
- On longer trips, why not combine walking, wheeling, scooting or cycling with a train journey.
* Calling all old and unwanted Christmas jumpers/tops *
Are you having a clear out or refreshing your Christmas Jumper collection this year?
We are taking donations of unwanted Christmas jumpers/tops aged 9 through to adult sizes please drop them off at reception by 15 November 2023
Whole School
Monday 2 October Week A
Monday 9 October O2 Young Voices Choir Performance
Thursday 5 October Athena Awards 5:30-7pm
Friday 6 October Open Morning 9:45-10:45am
Monday 2 October Week B
Friday 13 October CPD day School closed to students
Monday 16 October Week A
Monday 16 October School Production Dress Rehearsal 8:30am-3pm
Tuesday 17 October School Production Matinee 1:30pm - 3pm
Wednesday 18 October School Production 7-9pm
Thursday 19 October School Production 7-9pm
Friday 20 October School Production 7-9pm
Friday 20 October Last Day half term
Monday 23 -27 October Half Term
Monday 30 October School Returns
Monday 30 October Week B
Year 7
Monday 9 -13 October CATS Catch up
Year 8
Monday 2 October Geography trip - Sea Life/River Cruise
Tuesday 3 October Geography trip - Sea Life/River Cruise
Year 9
Wednesday 11 October Solomons theatre workshops
Year 10
Tuesday 3 October Year 10/11 careers fair
Friday 6 October History trip Belgium/France Battlefields
Saturday 14 October DofE Practice Walk
Friday 20th-23rd October Geography Trip to Iceland
Year 11
Tuesday 3 October Year 10/11 careers fair
Monday 9 October Art and Photography Practice exam week
Thursday 12 October Year 11 Virtual Parents Evening 4-8pm
Parent conduct letter Sept 2023
We know that the best way to get the very best outcomes for our students, your children, is to work closely together as a partnership (school and home) through discussion and understanding.
Flu Vaccination – ALL Year Groups
Please click the link below for the consent form and information about the vaccine.
Young Voices Concert at the O2 Arena
Young Voices concert at the O2 arena, London, on Tuesday 30 January 2024.
Motivational Maps
Last week, as part of our induction programme our year 7 students took part in a ‘Motivational Maps’ survey to help us find out more about them and what motivates them. They received their reports via their school gmail account. You can find out more about these reports and how to use them here.
Music opportunities and Contribution to Workshops
The Music department aims to provide an inclusive, positive and enjoyable curriculum where student’s well-being, achievement and life skills are at the centre.
Art Club
Due to year 11 Practice exams Art club will be cancelled on both Monday 2nd October and Monday 9th October. Sorry for any inconvenience. Mrs Lynch
Science Assessment
We welcome your child to Year 7 and want to make sure that you are able to help them to succeed this year in Science, by sharing some key dates and information with you.
Music opportunities and Contribution to Workshops
The music department aims to provide an inclusive, positive and enjoyable curriculum where student’s well-being, achievement and life skills are at the centre.
Science Assessment
We welcome your child to Year 8 and want to make sure that you are able to help them to succeed this year in Science, by sharing some key dates and information with you.
Art Club
Due to year 11 Practice exams Art club will be cancelled on both Monday 2nd October and Monday 9th October. Sorry for any inconvenience. Mrs Lynch
Solomon’s Theatre
We are very fortunate to have the company ‘Solomon’s Theatre’ coming into school on Wednesday 11th October for all Year 9 students as part of their Education for Life curriculum
GCSE Science Live, London
GCSE Science Live on Friday 1st December. The deadline for signing your child up on ParentPay, if they wish to attend, is Monday 1st October.
GCSE Design and Technology
As you will be aware your child has recently started the GCSE Design and Technology course. We have a very exciting curriculum planned for Year 9, which we look forward to sharing with your child.
GCSE Geography Wideworld Magazine
As part of the GCSE curriculum, the Geography Department is launching an exciting enrichment opportunity for students to subscribe to the Wideworld Magazine
Science Assessment
We welcome your child to Year 9 and want to make sure that you are able to help them to succeed this year in Science, by sharing some key dates and information with you.
Art Club
Due to year 11 Practice exams Art club will be cancelled on both Monday 2nd October and Monday 9th October. Sorry for any inconvenience. Mrs Lynch
Preparing for Exams
Thursday 5 October 2022 MAIN HALL @ 6pm. Each year we hold a series of Parent Information Evenings. The Preparing for Exams evening is aimed at parents of Year 10 and 11 students and it will focus on revision strategies and skills as well as how to recognise and manage exam stress.
GCSE Science Live, London
GCSE Science Live on Friday 1st December. The deadline for signing your child up on ParentPay, if they wish to attend, is Monday 1st October.
Science Booster sessions
Will be taking place during tutor time from next week. They will be running on Mondays and Wednesdays in room 912. You will have received a letter if your child is invited to attend.
GCSE Geography Wideworld Magazine
As part of the GCSE curriculum, the Geography Department is launching an exciting enrichment opportunity for students to subscribe to the Wideworld Magazine
Biology Club
Tuesday after school in room 303 with Mr Berreen. Learn practical hands-on skills in culturing bacteria and working in a biology lab. There will be an opportunity to genetically modify the bacteria, working with Dr Laver from the University of Southampton.
Science Assessment
We welcome your child to Year 10 and want to make sure that you are able to help them to succeed this year in Science, by sharing some key dates and information with you.
Preparing for Exams
Thursday 5 October 2022 MAIN HALL @ 6pm. Each year we hold a series of Parent Information Evenings. The Preparing for Exams evening is aimed at parents of Year 10 and 11 students and it will focus on revision strategies and skills as well as how to recognise and manage exam stress.
Parents' evening
Year 11 Parents Evening Thursday 12th October 2023 4pm - 8pm
Parents’ Evenings are an opportunity to talk about your child's engagement and progress with their subject teachers.
Year 11 Practice Art Exam
Year 11 Art and Photography students - GCSE Practice exam W/B 9th October - please check details with your child's teacher. Art and Photography Drop ins are available at break, lunch and after school - please check availability with the class teacher.
Devising Drama portfolio
Last year your child completed 10% of their GCSE course with their Devising Drama practical assessment.
Wildern English revision guides are now available. Please collect an order form from finance, pay and then collect from Mrs Rooney’s office. We are offering English Language and English Literature guides for £2 each.
GCSE Geography Wideworld Magazine
As part of the GCSE curriculum, the Geography Department is launching an exciting enrichment opportunity for students to subscribe to the Wideworld Magazine
GCSE Exam Timetable 2024
Please find attached next summers GCSE Exam timetable
Extra Support Programme (ESPs) Schedule Autumn 1 2023
English revision
For their upcoming practice exams in November, students will be sitting an English Language Paper Two, a Macbeth essay and a Power and Conflict poetry essay. A reminder that the English department website is a fantastic revision resource for your son/daughter:
Science Assessment
We welcome your child to Year 11 and want to make sure that you are able to help them to succeed this year in Science, by sharing some key dates and information with you.
Practice Papers for Maths Revision
As in previous years, the Mathematics department will be utilising practice papers as a key part of the revision programme this year
Many of us are intimidated by the thought of using a defibrillator (AED). But we shouldn’t be. They can be found in many public areas and are designed to be easy to use. You could be called on to use one at any time or place.
So, take a moment to find out how they work by watching this video - you could save someone’s life!
Student Services
We are always open to support all students between 8:45am and 3:30pm. The best times for students to drop in are:
11:10-11:25am - Breaktime
1:30-1:55pm - Lunchtime
3:00-3:15pm - After School
If students need to attend during lesson time they must remember to register with their teacher and collect the pink lanyard before they come.
Traffic and parking
We have noticed a significant increase in the traffic and parking in the roads and bus stops surrounding the school, particularly at the end of the school day.
May we ask that you are respectful to our neighbours when parking to ensure they are able to enter and leave their properties at all times. The safety of our students is paramount, so please do not park on double yellow lines, particularly at the top of Allen Road and Westward Road, or stop on the zig zag markings. May we also remind you of the 20mph speed limit, during drop off and pick up times.
Rotary Shoebox Appeal 2023 - organised by the Rights Respecting Student Leaders.
Some children don’t get to enjoy Christmas in the same way, because their circumstances make it very difficult. Some will not receive any presents, unless we make this possible! Our generosity could make the world of a difference this Christmas.
As a school, we would like to fill as many shoeboxes as possible with appropriate items as gifts, which will then get sent to Moldova, Montenegro, Albania, Romania and the Ukraine. Through your child’s tutor group students can either bring in some items to help fill a shared box, or you could always complete a box (or more!) as a family and bring this into school already finished - that would be amazing!
This important video will show you more about the Rotary Shoebox Appeal and how to support your child filling and decorating the boxes properly. Please note:
£2 must be stuck on to every box to cover shipping costs
Every box must be labelled correctly (as the video explains)
Collections will happen at the D@rt on the following dates…
Tuesday 17 October - Year 7 and 9
Wednesday 18 October - Year 8 and 10
Thursday 19 October - Year 11
Thanks so much!
Mr Hinks, Mrs Burden and the RRC Focus Group
Pepperoni pizza or roasted vegetable pizza (v) or
BBQ Hot dog / veggie dog topped with BBQ beans and nachos (v)
Chilli con carne veggie chilli with rice and nachos (v) or
Cheese and tomato pasta bake with garlic bread (v)
Hunters chicken and wedges or
Sweet and sour chicken/veggie balls with rice (v)
Meat or veggie curry of the day with rice and nann (v) or
Beef madras with spicy fries
Fish of the day with chips and peas or
Chicken or vegetable nuggets with fries and beans
Please remember, we can adapt the majority of meals to any dietary needs if we know in advance (your child can speak to kitchen staff by visiting the kitchen before 8:30am that day). Main A/B vegetarian options are always available - just ask Dan and his team. * correct at time of sending, but may be subject to change
A fantastic turnout at netball club since the start of September. Fifty to Sixty Year 7-11’s attending club on a Tuesday afternoon refining their netball skills and challenging their fitness levels, many students are also competing in the Southampton Schools Netball League each week.
For those interested in watching some elite level netball, England Roses are currently playing New Zealand Silver Ferns in the Taini Jamison Netball competition. Matches are available to watch on Sky Sports and YouTube, with the final match being played this weekend.
The year 11 boys football team began their defence of the Hampshire cup last night, with a tough away draw to last year's semi finalists Brookfield. The boys came through 3-0 winners, with 2 goals from Alex V and a beautifully taken 3rd from Sam T. Well done to the whole team!
Y7 Boys Football v Miltoncross (County Cup Rd.1) 6-1 win
Dance clubs are now up and running.
Tuesday’s - Year 7 Dance Club: Multi Hall
Wednesday’s - Year 8 Dance Club: Multi Hall & Dynamism Boys Dance company in da1
STEM club- Monday 3-4pm in room 306. This week we are designing and building catapults
Here is our Autumn term extra curricular activities including our Autumn PE menu. Please look at what is on offer to your child and discuss this over the holidays with them as their might be something more that they can get involved with.
Please click here for a list of current Southampton and surrounding areas Apprenticeship Vacancies.
NHS Virtual Work Experience Programme day Sunday 1st October
The NHS have an upcoming NHS Virtual Work Experience Programme commencing on Sunday 1st October.
Students can register using the link
Once registered, students will be emailed links to their virtual work experience portals.
Check spam folders and mark attendance on the day in order to receive Work Experience Certificates.
If students give permission to do so, the school will be forwarded copies of student certificates. This will help track the students’ progress across the programme and assist the school in reaching all of the Gatsby Benchmarks for Ofsted.
This programme is suitable for students in year groups 10 who are interested in the following careers:
Nursing, Midwifery, Paramedicine, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Dietetics, Radiography, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Speech and Language Therapy, Pharmacy
As the UCAS deadline for NHS Health Careers is in January, the sooner students begin work experience, the better.
During the work experience day, students will follow 2 patients from their initial presentation to recovery. They will gain a unique insight into how patients interact with a variety of healthcare professionals and what it’s like to work in an NHS multidisciplinary team.
Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with healthcare professionals throughout each day. This will empower students to make an informed career decision and demonstrate their commitment to healthcare in their UCAS applications.
Students will receive certificates as evidence of having participated in the work experience programme. Those that complete the full 5-month programme will also be awarded Highly Commended References.
Students can register individually at any time throughout the 5-month programme using the link below. We recommend booking early to gain as much out of this programme as possible. Places are £10 a session to cover administrative and technological costs.
Enquiry Form: Allied Healthcare Mentor Helpline: 01530 417299 (Open 10am - 5pm Monday - Friday)
BAE Systems Maritime Services is offering an exciting opportunity for young women aged 15 – 18 years to explore careers within security and defence.
Whether they’re a problem solver, organiser, hands-on learner or computer whizz, we have all kinds of career options available, for everyone.
We’re inviting young women to join us for a fun and informal networking lunch at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard: Thursday 26 October 2023, 1pm – 3pm (half term) or Thursday 8 February 2024, 1pm – 3pm
They’ll meet some of our inspiring female leaders, learn about our work and explore our current apprenticeship opportunities. PLUS enjoy a delicious FREE afternoon tea, while we chat.
Places are limited and offered on a first come, first served basis.
To register, or for more information or to discuss attending the February event as a small school group, please contact or call Sam on 0330 046 1848.
Any further questions please contact Mr Fenner or Mrs Jeffries on
What Parents and Carers Need to Know about influencers
The concept of influencers is hardly a new one. Through newspaper columns and TV spots, we’ve long been accustomed to hearing informed opinion from, say, Martin Lewis on money, Nigella Lawson on food or Mark Kermode on cinema. How the digital revolution has changed the game, however, is by providing a plethora of platforms from which literally anyone can have their say.
Online, you’ll find hordes of people holding forth on any number of topics: gaming, beauty, travel, fashion, fitness … virtually anything you can think of. What qualifies them as ‘experts’, however? Is it safe for young people to consume the oceans of content that they generate? Our guide brings you the essential info on the influencer phenomenon.
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
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Wildern School
Wildern Lane
Hedge End
SO30 4EJ
01489 783473