Parent Bulletin Friday 3 November 2023
Parent Bulletin Friday 3rd November 2023
What a busy first week back we have had after a fantastic half term break. The week was split in two with a "Storm Day" caused by Storm Ciarán. Our Year 11 students have been taking on the challenge of their practice exams and our MFL department had the pleasure of hosting a visit from OFSTED for a Languages research visit.
A reminder we have Year 7 meet the tutor and information evening next week Appointments can now be booked via INSIGHT. On the evening we also have a number of drop in sessions to support you and your child.
We thought it might be helpful to know a little bit more about the First aid room.
There has been a huge increase of students coming out of lessons, and we would appreciate your support with asking students, where possible, to come to us at lunch and break time.
- Opening hours 08:30- 4pm Monday - Friday
- Paracetamol can only be dispensed between 10am and 2pm.
- We can only give one paracetamol a day for those with consent.
- Students are not permitted to come in during lesson changeover and must have a lanyard or note from their teacher (unless the incident happened in between lessons or after break or lunch - we will sign them in or give them a note).
- We are not permitted to use ointments or creams, give ibuprofen or dispense hayfever medication unless the student has supplied their own medication and a consent letter has been completed by their parent/carer.
- The first aid room is singularly manned except for Wednesday, where there are two members of staff.
Our LRC has lots of amazing Young Adult books available for our students.These are a genre of literature specifically written for teenagers and young adults, typically aged between 12 and 18 and cover a wide range of genres, themes, and styles. They offer a valuable opportunity for young readers to explore diverse themes, engage with relatable characters, and expand their vocabulary and imagination.
From Year 9, all students can read and take these books out from the library. We feel many of these books are suitable and beneficial for our lower key stage to read as well. Please let us know here whether you give your consent for your child to read and access these books from our library. For more information on YA books please read here.
Detention system at school.
Monday 6th November sees a change to how we are running detentions. Students who are placed into a detention after school will be notified via email to their school email address.
Parents will also be notified via email. This email will detail what time and where the detention will be located. Different department areas will have their detentions on certain days of the week and year group detentions will be on a Tuesday for Years 7-10 and on Wednesdays for Year 11.
If a student misses an after school detention, they will be placed into a school detention or an SLT detention which is longer in length. This will also be communicated via email notification.
Students will be reminded by staff teaching them if they have a detention, however this reminder is not the notification of the detention, that will have been through the email sent to parents and students. Students will also have been made aware of the detention set by the teacher who has allocated the detention.
When you receive notification of a detention, please talk to your child about it and the reason for it being set. The Insight app will point you to the EREF and reason, so it is important to continue to monitor the this.
Preloved uniform. Have you got any used Wildern uniform that is no longer needed, no longer fits, and is in good condition? We have families who could benefit. Please donate items to help others. The drop off bin is available every Wednesday from 2-4pm by the Site Office
Please can we remind all users of our car park that you should only be using the Disabled Parking spot if you are a blue badge holder. They should not be used as waiting spaces. Thank You
Attendance Matters - At Wildern we know that sometimes our students cannot come to school because they are really unwell - and that's the right thing to do for them and other students. Medical advice is clear however that children with mild illness will often be well enough to attend - for example if they have a cough, or cold, without a temperature. The NHS guidance Is my child too ill for school? is designed to support parents in their decision making about mild illness.
We also know that students fall behind their friends and classmates when they miss school. At Wildern School we want the amount of missed education to be reduced as much as possible. We believe that our community is stronger together, with all of our students in school, on time, every day. We are building life skills, life-long friendships and preparing your child for future success.
We want to work together to achieve this for your child.
To support this we need YOU to:
- Try to telephone the school before 8.30am each day of your child’s absence.
- Tell the school in advance of any medical appointments and bring in appointment cards/letters.
- If you are not sure whether your child is well enough to attend school, send them in anyway as they often perk up on arrival.
- Have a backup plan for if your child misses transport, call on a family member, neighbour or friend.
- If you and your child are experiencing difficulties with school attendance then talk to us as a first step so we can help! This should be your child’s tutor in the first instance.
In return WE will:
- Check your child’s attendance every day.
- Phone home to discuss your child’s attendance with you.
- Speak to your child in school to ensure their voice is heard and support can be put in place.
- Invite you into school for attendance meetings to see if there are other ways we can support them.
- If we cannot establish a reason for absence, then we may make a welfare home visit.
- Access appropriate support for you and your child where appropriate.
- Follow our attendance policy, which can be found on our website, and liaise with outside agencies when appropriate.
Our aim at Wildern is to make school unmissable for all our students, to instil a sense of belonging and ensure they are happy and feel safe during their time at Wildern. To achieve this we need to work together so if you are in need of support to ensure your child is attending regularly please do get in touch with your child's tutor in the first instance.
How to talk to your children about conflict and war
When conflict or war makes the headlines, it can cause feelings such as fear, sadness, anger and anxiety wherever you live.
Children always look to their parents for a sense of safety and security – even more so in times of crisis.
Here are some tips on how to approach the conversation with your child and to provide them with support and comfort.
Calling all old and unwanted Christmas jumpers/tops
Are you having a clear out or refreshing your Christmas Jumper collection this year?
We are taking donations of unwanted Christmas jumpers/tops aged 9 through to adult sizes please drop them off at reception
Whole School
Monday 6 November Week A
Monday 13 November Week B
Thursday 16 November KS3/KS4 Orchestra Day
Saturday 18 November Big Clean
Monday 20 November Week A
Thursday 23 November Musical Soundbites (Wildern Students Instrumentalist/Singers)
Friday 24 November CPD Day
Year 7
Thursday 9 November Tutor Evening 4-8pm
Year 10
Monday 13 November Warner Bros Studio Tour 8am-5pm
Year 11
Monday 6 November - Monday 13 November Practice Exams
Monday 27 November - Friday 1 December Practice MFL Speaking Exam (*4)
The Autumn Big Clean
Saturday 18th November (10am-12pm), meet outside the Dart. Refreshments will be available and all equipment will be provided. Friends and family are welcome. Sign up using either the QR code or the link here.
Love Languages
Each year we hold a series of Parent Information Evenings. This ‘Love Languages’ evening is open to all, but is particularly useful for parents of year 7 and 8 students..
Wordplayers Autumn Termly Communication
This half term, our students have been engaged in the learning of a series of vocabulary as part of our Word of the Week programme.
Hosting a German student
In the Spring and Summer of this academic year, students who are learning German have the opportunity to take part in the German Exchange with a school near Stuttgart, in Germany,
Christmas Dance Showcase
Tickets for the Dance Showcase, which is being held on Thursday 30th November in The Berry Theatre are released on Friday 3rd November 2023. Tickets can be purchased for £6 via the following link: and are sold on a first come first served basis.
Year 7 St Omer, France June 2024
We are pleased to be able to offer your child the opportunity to take part in the following overseas trip in conjunction with NST.
Year 7 meet the tutor and information evening
Appointments can now be booked via INSIGHT. On the evening we also have a number of drop in sessions to support you and your child.
Music opportunities and Contribution to Workshops
The music department aims to provide an inclusive, positive and enjoyable curriculum where student’s well-being, achievement and life skills are at the centre.
Year 8 - KS3 Science Live
The Science department would like to offer your child the opportunity to attend KS3 Science Live at the Emmanuel Centre, London.
Science assessment
Students will be completing a science assessment in class during the week beginning 13th November. Resources to aid revision have been posted on Google Classroom and the science website, as well as, students completing in class revision lessons.
Iceland Trip – Friday 25 to Monday 28 October 2024
Open initially to current Year 9 Geography students only.
GCSE Design and Technology
As you will be aware your child has recently started the GCSE Design and Technology course. We have a very exciting curriculum planned for Year 9, which we look forward to sharing with your child.
Science Revision Grids:
Revision Grids for each unit can be found on the science website. The revision grid page numbers refer to the digital text books available on Kerboodle. Students can login with google, with the institution code zt5.
‘Everybody’s talking about Jamie’
The Education for Life Department are offering Year 10 and Year 11 students the fantastic opportunity to see the hit West End Musical ‘Everybody’s talking about Jamie’ at the Mayflower Theatre, Southampton.
Experience of a Workplace
Reminder, the deadline for registering for Experience of a Workplace is the end of November. This is to ensure we have plenty of time for the Health and safety visits to be scheduled. If you have any queries or need any help please contact the Careers team
Science Booster session
Will be taking place during tutor time from next week. They will be running on Mondays and Wednesdays in room 318. You will have received a letter if your child is invited to attend.
Year office reminder:
Year 10 Practice exams begin on 22nd January. You may choose to offer support to your child at home by organising a quiet place for them to revise at home and help with the creation of a revision timetable if this is not yet in place. We attach here the timetable we have used in tutor times previously if it is of help. Good luck!
Year 11 exams for the next 2 weeks - wishing them all every success.
Any exams due to be sat on Thursday 2 November will now be moved to Monday 13 November
GCSE Exam Timetable 2024
Please find attached next summers GCSE Exam timetable
Year 11 English:
On Monday 6th November Year 11 will sit their English Literature practice exam. This will comprise of the ‘Macbeth’ and ‘Power and Conflict poetry’ elements. Resources to aid revision are available on our English website
A reminder that all Year 11 students are welcome at our English ‘drop in’ in 913 after school every Monday.
Practice Papers for Maths Revision
As in previous years, the Mathematics department will be utilising practice papers as a key part of the revision programme this year
Supporting students with exams and revision
Slides from the recent parents information evening
‘Everybody’s talking about Jamie’
The Education for Life Department are offering Year 10 and Year 11 students the fantastic opportunity to see the hit West End Musical ‘Everybody’s talking about Jamie’ at the Mayflower Theatre, Southampton.
Dear Parent/s/Carers,
In July, I wrote to you about the potential risks associated with the underage use of vapes (also known as e-cigarettes). In that letter, I outlined the actions the County Council is taking to help tackle this issue, and the support we want to provide to parents and carers to help them talk with their children about this topic. Today, I am writing to you with a further update.
The enclosed leaflet to help you fully understand the impact of vaping. It explains the health risks to children and young people, the law regarding the use of vapes, as well as the environmental impact - especially of disposable vapes.
In addition to this work with schools, the County Council is tackling the underage sale of vapes and illegal vapes through Hampshire Trading Standards. If you need to report information concerning vapes to Trading Standards, please visit Hampshire Trading Standards and use the 24/7 regional reporting facility listed under ‘Tobacco and Vapes’.
While it is important to understand the risk of vaping in children and young people, vapes can, however, be a good quit aid for adults who currently smoke, and we continue to support people to quit smoking through our stop smoking service Smokefree Hampshire.
Lastly, I welcome the measures outlined by the Prime Minister on 4 October, for a smokefree generation, including restricting disposable vapes and regulating flavours and packaging, to reduce their appeal to children. Furthermore, to reduce smoking uptake, the government has set out to introduce a new law to stop the sale of tobacco products to anyone born on or after 1 January 2009 – this has the potential to phase out smoking in young people, almost completely, as early as 2040.
Yours sincerely, Simon Bryant FFPH Director of Public Health Hampshire County Council
Student Services
We are always open to support all students between 8:45am and 3:30pm. The best times for students to drop in are:
11:10-11:25am - Breaktime
1:30-1:55pm - Lunchtime
3:00-3:15pm - After School
If students need to attend during lesson time they must remember to register with their teacher and collect the pink lanyard before they come.
Too often we are silent when we see bullying take place.
Anti-Bullying Week 2023 will take place from Monday 13 - Friday 17 November. The theme is Make A Noise About Bullying. In this section you will find everything you need to help make a noise to stop bullying this Anti-Bullying Week.
Join us from 13th-17th November 2023 for this year's #AntiBullyingWeek and #MakeANoise about bullying
Odd Socks Day
Odd Socks Day marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week. All you need to do is wear odd socks! It's a great way to celebrate what makes us all unique in Anti-Bullying Week! Odd Socks Day 2023 will take place on Monday 13 November - resource packs are out now. Odd Socks Day is delivered in partnership with CBeebies and CBBC star Andy Day and his band, Andy and the Odd Socks.
Pepperoni pizza or roasted vegetable pizza (v) or
BBQ Hot dog / veggie dog topped with BBQ beans and nachos (v)
Chilli con carne veggie chilli with rice and nachos (v) or
Cheese and tomato pasta bake with garlic bread (v)
Hunters chicken and wedges or
Sweet and sour chicken/veggie balls with rice (v)
Meat or veggie curry of the day with rice and nann (v) or
Beef madras with spicy fries
Fish of the day with chips and peas or
Chicken or vegetable nuggets with fries and beans (v)
Please remember, we can adapt the majority of meals to any dietary needs if we know in advance (your child can speak to kitchen staff by visiting the kitchen before 8:30am that day). Main A/B vegetarian options are always available - just ask Dan and his team. * correct at time of sending, but may be subject to change
Senior netball matches begin on Tuesday 7 November. More information to follow.
Yr7 Boys Football Hampshire Cup LOST Round 2 Brookfield 6 Wildern 2
Yr8 Boys Football National Cup 3rd round WON Wildern 6 - Thornden 3
Eco Focus Group- All Students are invited to join the Eco Focus group every Wednesday lunch in 317. We will be working towards the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award 2023-24.
STEM club- Monday 3-4pm in room 306.
Here is our Autumn term extra curricular activities including our Autumn PE menu. Please look at what is on offer to your child and discuss this over the holidays with them as their might be something more that they can get involved with.
Parent's Guide to Careers Guidance - Please access this guide to help support the conversations and next steps coming up after your student has had their Careers Guidance appointment with Mrs O'Leary. This is usually a meeting with Yr 11 students, but is occasionally for other students too.
Experience of a Workplace
Reminder, the deadline for registering for Experience of a Workplace is the end of November. This is to ensure we have plenty of time for the Health and safety visits to be scheduled. If you have any queries or need any help please contact the Careers team
Richard Taunton Sixth Form College – OPEN EVENING
Thursday 16 November 6pm – 8.30pm
Students and parents can book in advance via our website or this link:
It’s a great opportunity for students to take a look around the college, find out more about the courses we offer and meet staff and students.
What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Five Nights at Freddy’s
You might know Five Nights at Freddy’s by reputation, even if your child has never actually played the game. Via playground rumours and circulated footage on platforms like YouTube, this 12-rated survival horror series (so far comprising nine games, several spin-off novels and a movie adaptation) has become possessed of a certain cult status among far younger players.
Whether the initial interest is sparked by peer pressure or morbid curiosity, this spooky saga of things that go bump in the night seems to resonate with many pre-teen gamers. However, as our guide explains, the sinister characters, unrelenting sense of tension and some disturbing themes are all potential hazards that parents and carers should be aware of.
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
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Wildern School
Wildern Lane
Hedge End
SO30 4EJ
01489 783473