This week has been Anti-Bullying Week and we have set our students many challenges to raise awareness of this important topic.
On Monday we had ‘Odd Socks Day’ where students and staff alike wore odd socks to school to celebrate all of our differences and what makes us all unique. As part of this we set them a challenge of seeing who could send in photos of their pets in odd socks - even our school dog Rufus got in on the action!
The theme of the week is ‘Make a Noise About Bullying’. Throughout the week students have been encouraged to complete ‘Make a Noise’ to stamp out bullying pledges and take part in a writing competition by writing either a song, story or poem about the impact bullying has. We have also had an Art competition running for KS3 and the best three entries will win a prize.
Throughout the week our staff have been on the lookout for ‘acts of kindness’ from our students shown towards other students or staff. It has been wonderful seeing our school community come together and hearing about all the wonderful acts of kindness our students have shown.
Wednesday saw our Anti Bullying Ambassadors and students from our Diversity Focus Group take part in Online LGBTQ+ Inclusion and Anti Bullying training provided by The Diana Award with the aim of providing our young people with the knowledge they need to tackle Homophobic, Biphobic & Transphobic bullying and create an LGBTQ+ inclusive environment.
Thursday saw our Anti Bullying Ambassadors take part in a live panel debate on Bullying ‘V’ Banter.
Friday provided us with an opportunity to reflect and celebrate what we have learnt this week and our wonderful staff serenaded our students at breaktime with Karaoke.
As a parent or carer, you are a vital piece of the puzzle in tackling bullying. You have a unique role to play in guiding and supporting your child through their school years and there are many positive steps you can take to help keep your child safe from bullying and harm. One of the steps is knowing when to ask for support. Please see this parent pack provided by the anti Bullying Alliance.
We have seen a really great response this year so far in terms of reporting any incidents that occur and the use of our online reporting tools have enabled us to support students for a whole host of things they are worried about. Students are actively using #talk2us to report concerns so that we can step in and support.
Whilst it is so important to have a week to focus on such an important topic it is something that is on-going and something we are continually looking to support our students with.
As parents you can support us by talking to your child about Diversity and Inclusion and by being mindful of any implicit biases you may have. Talking openly and positively about differences can help children better understand themselves and those around them. If they see you embrace diversity and inclusion it will empower them to engage in their world with curiosity, confidence and kindness.
There are many ways that you can promote Diversity and Inclusion at home.
- You can take active steps to ensure your child is immersed in communities and opportunities that embrace and celebrate differences.
- Acknowledge differences as children notice them so there is no need to pretend they do not exist.
- Emphasise the differences and be honest about the ways people are mistreated for their differences.
- Ask your child open-ended questions and listen to them without judgement.
- It is okay to take your time if you need it.
- If you’re unsure how to answer your child's questions, tell them you’ll think about it and set a time to talk when you are more prepared.
- Speak up when bias happens.
- Whenever your child or someone else does or says something prejudiced, address it in the moment.
Our Diversity Focus Group meets weekly in the CPD room each Monday during break 2. We always welcome students to join us. If your child would like to be involved in raising awareness and being involved in making change please do encourage them to come along and join us.
Working together as a community by openly talking about any worries or curiosities our young people have and encouraging them to seek knowledge by either joining the groups mentioned above or by asking staff the things they need to know will really continue to ensure our school is a kind and safe place to be.
Pets in Socks National Final Vote
Please vote for Toffee here in the national final of the pets in socks competition by 6pm Friday 17 November..