Basics Food Bank Appeal - Christmas 2023!
It is that time of year again for the Basics Bank Food Bank Appeal where we asked staff and students to donate food items to local families who are in need this Christmas.
This was a House competition and were super keen to beat our total of 2785 of last year. We are delighted to say we did with a total of 3439 and the winning house was Jubilee
Thank you for your continued support with the Nasal Flu Immunisation programme.
Flu clinics are available in the school holidays for children who have missed it in school. If you have not already completed an e consent, you will need to before being able to book into a clinic.
Parents will need their unique booking reference and this link to book into a clinic: School code: SH136654
Year 7 & Year 8 Communication Studies
From January in Communication Studies, students will be completing badges as part of a scheme called the iDEA award. This is an online platform where students will be working independently on set tasks in fields including citizenship, creativity and entrepreneurial studies to achieve the overall award. Students will be guided through creating their free account and will then link this to their Wildern account for future access. There are no restrictions on using this site but due to the student’s age, we are required to share the privacy policy with parents before we begin this scheme.
The Christmas food festival happened all week in the school hall and was a great success. Our thanks to Dan, his team and the student and staff helpers who made it such an amazing event.
Some of our wonderful Year 7s were involved in helping make Christmas gifts for local care homes. They made festive biscuits Yum! Special thanks to the Dart Centre team
Beautiful studies / recreations of children's illustrations for AO1 by Amelia in year 11
Please use this link to view our Winter Term 2023 newsletter Click here