This half term in Education for Life lessons we are focussing on our third theme ‘Living in the Wider World’.
All Year groups
Students will be looking at a range of national and international events in order to enhance their understanding of Living in the Wider World. These include: Martin Luther King Day, Chinese New Year, British Sign Language and Safer Internet Day
Please see below for a brief outline of what each year group will be studying in their Education for Life lessons and Tutor sessions this half term:
Year 7: Developing Skills and Aspirations
This topic encourages students to think about their futures and develops any ideas that they might have had already. Themes will include looking at Careers and the Future, goal setting, different transition points in someone's life and how these can be affected by external influences and taking account of personal qualities and skills that students already have.
Year 8: Setting Goals and Pathways
This topic is to develop thoughts towards next year and making sure that Pathways choices selected are the best suited to every individual. Topics include thinking about exploring careers, making decisions about Key Stage 4 and thinking about the various subjects that are on offer.
Year 9: Healthy Lifestyles (Health and Wellbeing)
In this unit, students will explore health and wellbeing, including an awareness of teenage cancer and looking after your emotional wellbeing. Students will be looking at a number of examples of positive coping strategies to support their wellbeing. They will also be looking at self determination in relation to the issue of Euthanasia, along with religious arguments for & against. This unit also includes a series of lessons on first aid that includes both theory and practical taught by an accredited member of staff. Year 9 are completing a different theme to the rest of the school so that their work on Living in the Wider World next half term links in with their Skills Day in March.
Year 10: Financial Decision Making
During this unit students will be exploring money issues that they are likely to come across over the next few years, such as understanding their first payslip, how to budget for things like driving lessons and holidays, and explore the positives and negatives of getting a loan.
Year 11: Democracy and Human Rights
In this unit students will explore what Human Rights are and how they can be applied to ethical issues in the world around them. They will explore two rights in detail - the right to vote and the right to life. The unit will allow students to explore the concept of voting in terms of how a general election works, how people make decisions on how to vote, along with issues surrounding voter turnout and apathy. For the right to life, students will explore the punishment of criminals with a focus on the death penalty and ethical arguments surrounding this.