Education for Life
This half term we are revisiting the theme of ‘Health and Wellbeing’ in Education for Life lessons.
All Year groups
Students will be looking at a variety of whole school and national events this half term. These include: World Book Day, British Science Week, National Careers Week, Wellbeing Sessions, Metacognition and Easter Egg Appeal
Please see below for a brief outline of what each year group will be studying in their Education for Life lessons and Tutor sessions this half term:
Year 7: Health and Puberty
In this unit students will be exploring how to maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure both physical and mental health during puberty. They will focus on the importance of eating healthily, completing regular exercise and having a good bedtime routine. Students will also explore the issue of FGM, what the law says about this and where to access help and support if required.
Year 8: Emotional Wellbeing
In this unit students will explore issues surrounding self-esteem and body confidence. They will investigate what can impact their self-esteem and be provided with positive ways of boosting their self-esteem that support them in dealing with pressures from social media and their peers.
Year 9: When I grow up - Living in the Wider World Theme
‘When I grow up’ allows students to begin thinking about careers and life choices. Students will consider what they think they need to be happy and reflect on their dreams for the future. They will also explore the costs of moving out, possible jobs and skills required, and begin thinking about how to budget their money effectively. Linking to life in Modern Britain, students will also explore taxation and the upcoming U.K Budget. Finally, they will explore the positives and negatives of renting and buying a house. Year 9 are completing a different theme to the rest of the school so that it links in with their Skills Day in March.
Year 10: Exploring Influence
This unit allows students an opportunity to explore what risk taking means and how the teenage brain affects this. Students will gain an understanding of the law surrounding drugs and alcohol, along with the different types of drugs. Students will explore the concept of addiction and where to access help and support for this as well as the effects of drugs on individuals and others. Students will explore the concept of addiction and where to access help and support for this as well as the effects of drugs on individuals and others. An important part of this unit focuses on managing risk and staying safe which explores influences in relation to gangs and knife crime.
Year 11: Independence
This unit builds upon students' prior learning about drugs and alcohol and explores the law surrounding the most dangerous drugs. In addition to this, students will explore and discuss issues relating to the family; parenthood; unwanted pregnancy; abortion, adoption and fostering and fertility treatments with a focus on IVF. Students will be encouraged to form their own opinions on the ethical issues discussed whilst also considering the views of others and religious believers. An important part of this unit focuses on Healthcare including an awareness of STIs, breast and testicular cancer and First Aid. These sessions include both theory and practical lessons such as Emergency CPR equipping them with a skill for life.
We will be welcoming parental feedback on the Education for Life Curriculum on the 11th March. Further information will be sent out regarding this short survey in due course.