Education for life
This half term we are revisiting the theme of ‘Relationships’. This builds upon the previous units the students completed in the ‘Relationships’ theme that took place in the Autumn 2 half term.
All Year groups - Tutor Time
Students will be looking at a variety of whole school and national events that link into the theme of Relationships. These include:
- The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
- British Values
- TALK @Wildern and the use of Prejudicial Language
- Unicef Outright Campaign
- Feedback
- VE Day
- Mental Health Awareness
- World Day for Cultural Diversity
- Voting on our school Mural to celebrate our ethos
- Thank a Teacher Day
Please see below for a brief outline of what each year group will be studying in their Education for Life lessons this half term:
Year 7: Building Relationships
This unit gives students the opportunity to explore the key features of a healthy relationship. Students will cover issues relating to forming strong relationships. We will be exploring what qualities we look for in a friend and what makes a successful friendship. We will then identify what makes a successful team and how to put teamwork into practice. Within this unit, we also look at inappropriate behaviours and language both in face to situations and online and what the law says about these. We equip students with techniques and skills to deal with peer pressure and signpost where they can get further help if required. We also look at the value and importance of celebrating differences and allow students the chance to explore their ‘true selfie’
Year 8: Identity and Relationships
This unit explores some of the key terminology linked to sexuality and gender identity. It reminds students that at Wildern, as a rights respecting school, inappropriate comments related to these will not be tolerated and allows students an opportunity to understand why. We also look at consent and what this means in practice with a focus on dealing with some of the pressures young people face including online. The unit also begins a small part of the statutory Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) framework by introducing students to what contraception is.
Year 9: Intimate Relationships
This unit is aimed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need in order to make healthy and safe choices regarding sex and relationships and is a part of the statutory Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) framework. Students will explore the portrayal of sex and relationships in the media as well as issues relating to body image, sexting and pornography. They will study the meaning of consent in detail including the right to withdraw consent, the law and how to avoid assumptions relating to consent. They will also gain knowledge and understanding of different types of contraception along with any positives and negatives of each. Finally, they will explore STIs, how to protect themselves and how to get tested, as well as a more in depth study on HIV.
For further information on the statutory RSE provision at Wildern, please see here.
Year 10: Human Rights
Year 10 will explore what human rights are and why they exist. Throughout the unit they will focus in depth on certain rights from the United Rights Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) including the right to no discrimination (Article 2 of the UNCRC) the right to freedom of thought and religion (Article 14 in the UNCRC) and the right to access information (Article 17 in the UNCRC) They will explore the importance of diversity, the risks of extremism and radicalisation and they will also look at case studies of upstanders in society who have fought for and protected human rights.
Year 11: Life after Wildern
This bespoke unit explores how to deal with exam stress and how to look after your own mental health and wellbeing with the upcoming GCSE’s. Throughout the unit, a variety of tips and techniques are shared with students to help equip them now and for their future life after Wildern.