Parent Bulletin Friday 3rd May 2024
Parent Bulletin Friday 3rd May 2024
Hello, and welcome to this week's edition of the Wildern Weekly. My name is Miss Jones and I am the Assistant Headteacher that oversees Behaviour and Culture at Wildern School.
At Wildern we love to see our students demonstrating our 6 Wildern attributes of Curiosity, Determination, Reflection, Pride, Respect and Kindness.
We had a fantastic time meeting Wildern families at the 'Quiz and chips' evening and are looking forward to putting on some more social evenings for Wildern families throughout the year. At the moment I am putting together the final arrangements for our annual whole school trip to Paultons Park. Everyone who prides themselves in being an outstanding Wildern student by showcasing their best behaviour gets to go to Paultons Park for the day with all of their friends. It is one of my favourite times of the year. I love to go on (most of) the rides with staff and students and take time to sit back and be proud of how well our students are presenting themselves around the park.
In this edition of the Wildern weekly you will find the whole school letter for the annual Paultons park trip. Please ensure you read this thoroughly, making note of the deadline of Friday 14th June 2024 as we will not be able to add any students to the trip after this date.
We are pleased to say we have the opportunity to run bike maintenance lessons during the school day in May. If your child is interested please sign up here
Congratulations to Jubilee House for winning the Year 11 Moirai Challenge 2024. We hope you enjoyed your lunch on Monday.
This week Year 9 have embarked on their first formal examinations since they started at Wildern, this is the first time they will have been in an examination room with external invigilators. The year group definitely rose to the occasion, feedback from staff and invigilators has been extremely positive, with specific comments on their attitude and determination. A fantastic start to their Wildern journey.
Well done to all year 11 Art and Photography GCSE students for a very successful final 10 hour exam!
Well done to all Year 10 Students who have had their practice careers interviews this week. They have been superb! Articulate and well prepared.
National Crime Agency Alert - Sextortion
You may be aware that this week the National Crime Agency put an alert out to schools to raise awareness and share information about ‘Sextortion’
Financially motivated sexual extortion (often referred to in the media as ‘sextortion’) is a form of blackmail that can force any individual into paying money to an offender who is threatening to share nude or semi-nude images of them. This can also include forcing them to provide further intimate content or agreeing to do something against their will. Typically perpetrated by organised crime groups operating outside of the UK, sextortion can target any individual regardless of their age or gender.
We will be talking to students about this to help raise awareness. Please find below some links for parents should you have any concerns around sextortion with your young person.
Advice for parents and carers:
IWF- Advice for parents on how to support your child if exposed to sextortion
Whole School
Monday 6 May Bank Holiday
Tuesday 7 May Week B
Tuesday 7 May 4.30 KO Year 10 Hampshire Cup final £2 entry Eastleigh silverlake stadium
Thursday 9 May - Parents coffee morning 11.30-12.30
Monday 13 May Week A
Year 7
Wednesday 8 - Friday 10 May Core subject exams
Thursday 16 May Navy team building 8.30-3pm
Year 8
Friday 24 - Monday 27 May - Geography Trip to Wales trip
Year 9
Monday 3 & Tuesday 4 June Science Trip to Life Lab, at Southampton Hospital
Tuesday 4 June Technology Trip to Bread Ahead Bakery & Borough Market
Thursday 13 June Parents evening
Year 10
Wednesday 15 May Practice Technology food exams
Monday 10 & Tuesday 11 June GCSE Geography Trip Hengistbury Head
Year 11
Tuesday 7 May P4 & 5 Final assembly & shirt signing
Thursday 9 May Seminar timetable starts
Thursday 9 May GCSEs start
Friday 10 May Reports sent home
Tuesday 28 - Friday 31 May Half Term revision
Paultons Park Trip 2024
Your child will be taking part in a whole school visit to Paultons Park. This is an opportunity for staff and students to spend the day together building relationships and making memories whilst enjoying the fantastic rides and activities the park has to offer. This is a fantastic opportunity for Year 7 and 8 and Year 9 and 10 to spend the day together and we have secured a superb rate for tickets.
E-Safety – Thursday 16 May 2024 VENUE – School Hall @ 6pm
The evening will cover how students can use tools like Google Classroom along with other apps and websites to support their learning and self-study. We shall also be sharing top tips around e-safety and supporting your child in being safe online.
Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) – Thursday 9 May 2024 VENUE – School Hall @ 6pm
The evening will outline what is taught throughout the five year Education for Life (EL) curriculum and how the statutory requirements of RSE are delivered within this.
Bletchley Park - ICT Trip
Students will spend the day learning about how Alan Turing, the Founder of Computer Science, created the “Bombe” which helped crack the Enigma code helping the allies win WWII. Students will also explore mathematical encryption and encoding techniques that have been used throughout history, tackling complex processes to solve a code breaking challenge. The workshop includes a unique opportunity to see a genuine Enigma machine and be introduced to its design and role in WWII.
Science trip to Legoland, Windsor
The Science department would like to offer your child the opportunity to visit Legoland, Windsor. The trip includes entry to Legoland and a 60 minute workshop, focussing on the energy and forces around rollercoasters.
Science assessment
Your child will be completing a science assessment in class during the week beginning 6th May. Resources to aid revision have been posted on Google Classroom and the science website , as well as, completing in class revision lessons.
English Assessments
Year 7 will be sitting two assessments next week. The first includes Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and Reading Comprehension sections. The reading comprehension will be based on an understanding of poetry. This unit was studied last term. Revision will take place in class but if students would like to revise at home, they may want to use the link to the lessons for this unit here: Secondly, they will sit a creative writing assessment that will also assess spelling, punctuation and grammar as well being able to communicate ideas and thoughts in a convincing and compelling way.
HPV vaccination
Click the link below for the consent form and information about the vaccine. Access to the consent forms will close two working days prior to the session.
Science trip to Legoland, Windsor
The Science department would like to offer your child the opportunity to visit Legoland, Windsor. The trip includes entry to Legoland and a 60 minute workshop, focussing on the energy and forces around rollercoasters.
Year 8 Science assessment
Your child will be completing a science assessment in class during the week beginning 13th May. Resources to aid revision have been posted on Google Classroom and the science website as well as, completing in class revision lessons.
Year 9 AM Reg science booster sessions
These sessions are held on Monday and Thursday in 318 and are designed to boost students' confidence in science. You will have received a letter if your child is involved.
Booster sessions will be continuing this week on Monday and Wednesday in 318 during tutor. You will have received a letter if you are invited to attend.
Wednesday 15th May - Food Preparation & Nutrition
Year 10 Food students will be completing the practical component of their practice NEA2 on Wednesday 15th May. Please remind students to check their Food Google Classroom for timings.
Prom 2024
We are really excited about the term ahead for Year 11. We would like to share with you the details for our Prom which is always such a wonderful event.
Leavers Yearbook
Leavers’ Yearbooks will be professionally printed and bound in a hard back cover.
Leavers Hoodie
The hoodies will have a large ‘24’ print on the back, containing the names of students in the Year Group and come in 36 different colours which can be viewed using the link below:
Prepare to Perform Newsletter
Please click here for the latest newsletter
Extra Support Programme (ESPs) Schedule Summer 1 2024
ESPs next week are:
Tuesday: RE
Shirt Signing
Must bring in a spare shirt (They can't wear their signed shirt when they leave the sports hall)
No signing can start until 1.20 in the sport hall
Any poor behaviour on the day will mean they are sent home and will not take part
Please bring their own pens
Students might leave before 3pm if it finishes ealy.
Year 11 Half term revision - English
May half term revision will be on Tuesday 28th May. Please be aware that this will be invite only due to staffing capacity. We will be in touch shortly with information if your son daughter is invited.
Rehana Khalil: The GB basketball player who wears a hijab
"Some people don't see it as right that if you're a Muslim woman, you're running around and playing sports in front of people."
Rehana Khalil is the only athlete to have represented a Great Britain basketball team while wearing a hijab.
"If I think of basketball in England, there isn't anybody else that I've seen who's from a South Asian background, is Pakistani, is Muslim and wears a hijab," she says. Khalil plays and coaches in Manchester. She takes charge of the under-12s programme for Manchester Mystics and plays for their senior team in the Women's National Basketball League Division 1 - the second-highest level of competition in England.
This season she has picked up the league's player of the week honour, featured in team of the week four times and has been selected to be an all-star. The 38-year-old has played for Great Britain's over-35s team for the past three years and will represent them this summer at the European Championship in Italy. "I think I stand out because I don't know any other female, Asian, Muslim basketball coaches or players, especially within Manchester," Khalil says.But her path through the sport has come with its own challenges.
"There was a time where within basketball, you weren't allowed to wear a hijab and that obviously changed." At the beginning of her career, she did not wear a hijab. Starting at the Mystics at under-16 level, Khalil represented Great Britain under-20s at the 2006 European Championship. In the early 2010s she changed her priorities and took a hiatus from her basketball career, and it was during this time that she made the decision to wear a hijab. "I didn't cover at first but then I thought - I'm going to take a break, if I'm going to go back and play I want to [wear a hijab] - and at that time the ban was still in place."
The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) had a ban on headgear, meaning athletes could not participate while wearing religious headwear such as hijabs, turbans and yarmulkes. Khalil explains: "I remember that was a deterrent. I thought, well I can't play basketball."
In 2017 FIBA lifted the ban, meaning players did not have to decide between faith and sport. "People just want to be able to participate comfortably. I potentially would have come back earlier if that rule wasn't in place." Clothing is just one of the many barriers Muslim women may face when looking to participate in a sport. "There are many factors that come into play when someone's wanting to be involved in sport - culture, religion, how you're perceived by others, how you will be perceived by the community." Another hurdle that she sometimes faces is when shaking hands at the end of a game, as one of her religious practices is to avoid physical contact with males. "I do have to say to the officials that I don't do contact with males, and some of them kind of look at me funny, but they just don't understand it. "I have to explain that it's because of religious reasons."
Khalil is helping to educate the basketball community on different religious practices.
Recently, she received Basketball England's Inspiring Female of the Year award for the north west region. Joe Forber, Manchester Mystics co-founder and former Sports Personality of the Year Unsung Hero award-winner, described Khalil as a "role model". "She is an example to people. Somebody that you can look up to, a role model, always teaches you things the right way and the award couldn't go to a better person."
The most common symptoms of testicular cancer are,
- Lump on the testicle inside the scrotum
- A hard Swelling or shrinking testicle
Less common along with the symptoms above.
- Dull ache in the testicle
- Lower back pain that does not go away
There are no rules with testicular cancer so get all problems looked at by your Doctor
What's your normal?
Here is our Summer term co-curricular activities including our Summer Term PE menu. Please look at what is on offer to your child and discuss this over with them as their might be something more that they can get involved with. Students can sign up via the link they have been emailed last week.
Please remember, we can adapt the majority of meals to any dietary needs if we know in advance (your child can speak to kitchen staff by visiting the kitchen before 8:30am that day). Main A/B vegetarian options are always available - just ask Dan and his team. * correct at time of sending, but may be subject to change
The cost of some of our products are going up after Easter due to an increased cost for fresh ingredients we purchase to cook and bake.
Year 8 Boys Football Won the County Cup 3-0 against Thornden
After a phenomenal performance that the Year 10 boys football team should be very proud of, unfortunately they lost the Southampton League cup final on penalties after a 1-1 draw in the game. Congratulations to Bitterne Park School who won the trophy.
U15 Hampshire FA cup final:
Tuesday 7th May Wildern vs Bay House School Venue: Silverlake Stadium, home of Eastleigh FC, SO50 9HT
KO - 4.30pm Entry: £2 Programmes: 50p
Parent's Guide to Careers Guidance - Please access this guide to help support the conversations and next steps coming up after your student has had their Careers Guidance appointment with Mrs O'Leary. This is usually a meeting with Yr 11 students, but is occasionally for other students too.
Dear Student,
Barton Peveril Sixth Form College would like to extend a warm invitation for you to attend their special event. Their upcoming Open Event is open to all year 10 & 11 students.
Date: Thursday 2nd May 2024
Time: 16:30 - 20:30 pm (attendees will need to book a timeslot)
Link to book tickets:
The Open Evening offers a fantastic opportunity for pupils and their parents/guardians to explore the various options available after completing GCSEs. From our diverse range of A Level and Vocational Level 3 courses to our extensive Q-XTRA enrichment programme, Barton Peveril has something for everyone.
During the event, visitors will have the chance to:
Tour our state-of-the-art facilities
Learn more about each of our subjects and extra-curricular activities
Speak directly to current students and teachers
Experience the vibrant and energetic atmosphere of our College community
Please be mindful of the weather and traffic when travelling to the college. Please prepare appropriately for the scheduled rain.
Important Information about Parking:
Students must book a ticket for the event; however, additional guests from the same household do not need to book separately (one ticket per household).
We kindly encourage attendees to arrive promptly at the start time indicated on their ticket. Each timeslot is limited to 45 minutes.
Parking will be available on the field. Please consider the type and size of vehicle you bring, and accessible vehicles must display their blue badge at all times.
While we cannot guarantee a parking space, we suggest alternative transportation options, such as public transport. The Eastleigh Train station is conveniently located within a 20-minute walk to the campus, and we also provide bike shelters for safe bike storage.
Please read our latest careers newsletter here
Through the Lens: 10 Reasons Why Filmmaking Can Be a Transformative Experience for Teens
Quilter Work Experience Programme - Year 11
Quilter Financial Services are excited to be launching a week long unpaid work experience programme in their Southampton offices.
Please see below some information around the programme that may be useful to you.
Location: Southampton Dates: 8th July – 12th July Timing: 9am – 3pm
Eligibility: Years 11 Students
Travel: Any students getting the train into the programme they will fund travel
Lunch: They will arrange funded pre-loaded cards to purchase lunch from their on-site canteen
From an application process perspective, they would request students to complete the questions in this form Quilter Work Experience application form - Southampton 2024. (
What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Shopping Platforms
Long gone are the days where eBay and Amazon were the only means of buying quality items online. The rise of user-friendly, accessible shopping apps has meant that getting clothes, gadgets and other goodies delivered direct to your door can be accomplished with a few touches of your phone’s screen while you’re on the go.
These apps aren’t without their issues, however, and users still run the risk of scams, data breaches and other online safety concerns. Being aware of these dangers will go a long way to keeping your money and information safe, so you can still enjoy what these shopping apps have to offer. Our guide has some top tips to help protect young people on these purchasing platforms.
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
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Wildern School
Wildern Lane
Hedge End
SO30 4EJ
01489 783473