Parent Bulletin Friday 5th July 2024
Parent Bulletin Friday 5th July 2024
Hello, and welcome to this week's edition of the Wildern Weekly!
On Thursday 4th July, we held our very own mock election for all year groups. This was organised by our student leadership team and the Main Hall was turned into a polling station and throughout the day all students had the opportunity to vote. In preparation for this day, Students had an Education for Life lesson and Tutor Sessions based on the different parties and their manifestos in order to help them make an informed decision. Every student was given a chance to place their vote for one of the candidates that is standing in the Hamble Valley Constituency.
Parent Information Evening - Welcome to…
We would love parents to join us for these events - these will be about highlighting the important aspects of the year ahead for your child's year group and how we work as a partnership to support students throughout the year.
Tuesday 10th September
Year 11 - 5:15pm in the Berry Theatre
Year 10 - 6:00pm in the Berry Theatre
Thursday 12th September
Year 9 - 5:15pm in the School Hall
Year 8 - 6:00pm in the School Hall
Our 60-strong prefect team received some excellent leadership training from the Royal Navy yesterday. Over the two hours of sessions, it has been great to stretch them, develop their understanding, and help grow the positive qualities that will help them both now, in their prefect roles, and also in their futures (maybe in the Navy!). Wildern Student leadership: making potential reality
On Tuesday a fantastic group from Diversity Focus Group represented our school at the local EARA conference (Equality and Rights Advocates). Seven other schools from the area contributed to important discussions about how we create a sense of belonging in schools, and then each presented about their work in their schools on all things rights and equality. Very moving to hear the great things students are up to and be more inspired for how we can improve Wildern! Focus Groups at their best
Summer Term Parent Survey
Thank you to everyone that completed our short summer survey focusing on Communication and Developing Students into Global Citizens.
We will provide feedback on the results soon.
Whole School
Monday 8 July Week B
Wednesday 10 July KS3 Paultons, KS4 Sports day
Thursday 11 July KS4 Paultons, KS3 Sports day
Friday 12 July House Championship Winning Lunch Period 4
Friday 12 July Deadline to return locker keys to the finance office
Monday 15 July Week A
Thursday 18 July Quiz and Chips
Monday 22 July Week B
Tuesday 23 July End of Term 12:30pm
Monday 2 September CPD Day No Students in School
Tuesday 3 September Year 7 in School
Tuesday 3 & Wednesday 4 September Year 11 Study Skills Days
Tuesday 3 & Wednesday 4 September Year 8, 9, 10, & 11 Meeting Me Appointments with Tutors more info soon
Thursday 5 September All Students in school
Tuesday 10 September Parent Information Evening - Welcome to Year 11 (5:15pm) & Year 10 (6pm)
Thursday 12 September Parent Information Evening - Welcome to Year 9 (5:15pm) & Year 8 (6pm)
Year 7 - Year 9
No key events
Year 10
Friday 12-13 July DofE Assessment
Year 11
Thursday 22 August GCSE Results Collection from the DART Between 10am - 11am
Vegan food
On Tuesday 9th July and open to all year groups, we are inviting those students who have an interest in vegan foods to join us for a cookery demonstration and tasting run by Animal Aid. Your child must secure their place by contacting Miss King, Miss Wells or Miss Meffen.
Guidance for Absence and Lateness
There is a strong correlation between high attendance and high achievement as well as emotional health and positive relationships, and so we should all be working together to give children the best possible start in life. Research shows that absence from school, for whatever reason, can disadvantage a child by creating gaps in learning, which affect a child’s ability to succeed.
Instrumental or singing lessons
If you wish to sign up for instrumental or singing lessons at Wildern School, please do so using this google form asap.
This applies to all students currently enrolled as you will need to re-enrol for September 2024. If your child does not wish to continue lessons next year, please email
School Lockers
As we approach the end of term, please can we request that students return their locker keys in exchange for their £5 refund. Keys should be returned to the Finance Office during break times and we would request that keys be returned by Friday 12 July.
From September 2024, we are delighted to be offering students the opportunity to rent brand new lockers from RML. These will replace the existing stock of old and dated lockers at Wildern School.
The online ordering process is simply and there are clear instructions on the RML website.
If you have any questions about the process, please contact RML on
Final Report
This has been sent home this week. It has a tutor comment summarising the year and contains a copy of the assessment, progress and
Behaviours for Learning information already sent home last week.
Ski Trip 2025
We are taking a Skiing Trip to Wagrain, Austria at Easter 2025, from Friday 4 April 2025 to Saturday 12 April 2025.
& Juliet’ the musical
The Education for Life department is thrilled to announce that they have secured 70 tickets, for our current Year 8 & 9’s, to watch a performance of the award winning musical ‘And Juliet’ at the Mayflower Theatre, Southampton.
Ski Trip 2025
Weare taking a Skiing Trip to Wagrain, Austria at Easter 2025, from Friday 4 April 2025 to Saturday 12 April 2025.
& Juliet’ the musical
The Education for Life department is thrilled to announce that they have secured 70 tickets, for our current Year 8 & 9’s, to watch a performance of the award winning musical ‘And Juliet’ at the Mayflower Theatre, Southampton.
Ski Trip 2025
Weare taking a Skiing Trip to Wagrain, Austria at Easter 2025, from Friday 4 April 2025 to Saturday 12 April 2025.
Italy Trip: Rome and the Bay of Naples 2025
4th April- 10th April 2025 We are delighted to offer your child the opportunity for a pioneering visit to Italy, Rome and the Bay of Naples. Our main focus is for your child to experience the rich and exciting culture of Rome and the tranquil beauty of the Bay of Naples. Pupils will have the opportunity to visit the Ancient Colosseum, and sites of Ancient Rome, Pompeii, Herculaneum, Vesuvius and the beautiful Island of Capri. The visit and activities will offer insights into an extremely different culture and country as well as being beneficial to your child’s GCSE studies.
Colleges Current Open Day/Evening
Please click here for our current open day / evening links from our local colleges
Hospitality students
Tuesday 16th July - Reminder for all Year 10 Hospitality students attending the WInchester Coffee School trip. They are required to meet outside the D@RT at 8:30am. They must wear their full school uniform and bring a packed lunch with them.
Eastleigh College Welcome Day
Date: Wednesday 10th July
Arrival Time: 9:30am – 1pm
Location: Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh, SO50 5FS
We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award with Distinction. As part of their Action Plan, the Eco Focus group has raised money, in order to Sponsor a turtle, as well as, for the Marine Conservation Society. They have organised three Big Cleans and produced many resources to be used in tutor time to promote the effects of litter on the marine environment.
The Eco-Schools praised us as our Action Plan was based on student’s ideas and the areas they are most passionate about. This approach placed them at the heart of our Eco-Schools work and led to increased engagement. Furthermore, they thought that we provided great examples of environmental education that were practical and fun with a real-life context that are very relevant to students in their own school.
Thank you to all the students involved in the Eco-Focus group and the continued support for the termly Big Cleans.
Why give blood?
Giving blood saves lives. The blood you give is a lifeline in an emergency and for people who need long-term treatments.
Why do we need you to give blood?
- We need new blood donors from all backgrounds to ensure there is the right blood available for patients who need it.
We need:
- 4,300 blood donations every day on average to meet the needs of our hospitals
- over 140,000 people to donate blood for the first time this year
- 12,000 new Black heritage donors, to meet the growing demand for ethnically matched blood for sickle cell patients who need regular transfusions to stay alive
- More young people aged 17-35 to donate, to ensure we have enough blood for the future
Sign up to donate
Here is our Summer term co-curricular activities including our Summer Term PE menu. Please look at what is on offer to your child and discuss this over with them as their might be something more that they can get involved with. Students can sign up via the link they have been emailed last week.
Please remember, we can adapt the majority of meals to any dietary needs if we know in advance (your child can speak to kitchen staff by visiting the kitchen before 8:30am that day). Main A/B vegetarian options are always available - just ask Dan and his team. * correct at time of sending, but may be subject to change
The cost of some of our products are going up after Easter due to an increased cost for fresh ingredients we purchase to cook and bake.
Under 15s Mixed Cricket lost by 5 runs to mountbatten
Under 13s Mixed Cricket lost by 21 runs to Swanmore
Parent's Guide to Careers Guidance - Please access this guide to help support the conversations and next steps coming up after your student has had their Careers Guidance appointment with Mrs O'Leary. This is usually a meeting with Yr 11 students, but is occasionally for other students too.
Please read our latest careers newsletter here
We are excited to announce our upcoming Open Events for Year 10 and Year 11 students (2024/25), taking place on Wednesday 25th September 2024, and Thursday 26th September 2024. This is a fantastic opportunity for students and parents/guardians to:
Tour our campus: Experience the environment where they might spend their post-16 years.
Explore various subjects: Get insights into the subjects offered and their potential pathways.
Interact with current students and teachers: Ask questions, gain first-hand insights, and receive guidance.
To stay updated and be the first to book tickets once they are available, please register your interest via this form.
Important Note: Registering your interest through this form does not secure a place at the Autumn event. You will still need to book a place once the events become bookable.
What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Gambling
Gambling has become more prevalent over the years, with such practises widely advertised on social media and even incorporated into various apps and games. It’s growing easier for children and young people to come across opportunities to gamble, putting parents at greater risk of financial loss or mental and emotional strain.
That said, there are steps you can take to keep these youngsters as safe as possible from the impacts of gambling, and our free guide details these for you. At the same time, our expert points out the most significant risks posed to under-18s, to help you keep these damaging pitfalls to a minimum.
Support Services
NHS National Centre for Behavioural Addictions and the National Problem Gambling Clinic
Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts
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Wildern School
Wildern Lane
Hedge End
SO30 4EJ
01489 783473